Goldric / Huntmira

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Alright, finally tackling Owl House again!

Now, this is an interesting chapter, as I'm kind of tackling two ships in this one. Normally I wouldn't do this, but these two are very similar in thought, origin, and the actual dynamic itself.

So we have Goldric and Huntmira (I think those are the proper ship names...), which are Hunter x Edric and Hunter x Emira respectively

Basically... it's Hunter x one of the Blight twins

I believe these ships came up when Hunter was first introduced, but he has never interacted with either of the twins that early on. I have no idea what started it, but it sure was a crack ship a lot of people enjoyed, especially considering that Hunter and the Blight twins are all 16, which is a plus in their book.

However, I've never been for crack ships like this.

I always need canon moments to look at, whether there's a lot or a small amount that shows they can work. Literally the only canon moments I've seen with Edric and Emira interacting with Hunter were in the episode "Labyrinth Runners," and they didn't even directly speak to him (expect Edric)— they were talking about him.

For reference, it was when Hunter was saved by the Flyer Derby team, and Principal Bump called Hunter out on being the Golden Guard. Only then did Edric and Emira react:

Edric: That's the Golden Guard?
Emira: Dude looks sickly!

They both aren't into him, clearly 😅

And the only time Edric directly interacted with Hunter was to ask if he ever sneezed with his Golden Guard mask on, and when Hunter was answering all the questions and said yes to Edric's, Edric responded with, "That's gross, man." 💀

(Although I stand by the fact that if Hunter was in a situation he couldn't take his mask off and had to sneeze, that's an excuse)

And Hunter also has eyes for someone else, just saying 👀

But even if that wasn't the case, I still don't see the appeal in Goldric and Huntmira, and what would even make Hunter fall for them. He clearly doesn't even have an understanding of his own feelings towards many people.

I want to find some positives, but there aren't really any??? Most of the content for these ships are fueled by fans, which make their interactions cute and funny, but I personally feel that a lot of them are out of character and just don't work.

But yeah, now you know why I paired these two ships together in this chapter 😅 If I rated them separately, I would've said pretty much the same thing for both.

Well, that's all I have for these two! If I come up with more to say, I'll add on to it, but I doubt there'll be much more to say XD

Take care, everyone ^^

(Posted on 9/3/22)

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