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Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one.

Well, this is Nagito Komaeda x Hajime Hinata.

...I ... how..??

No offense to those that ship this, seriously! It's a really popular ship, but I just can't understand why—

I guess people like the tension in their dynamic? Because there's definitely a lot of that in Komahina...

I think you can already tell I'm not a big fan of this one. They have tension, yes, but I don't see it as romantic tension.

Look, Nagito's just obsessed with hope and will go to lengths to help overcome despair, even if it's through his own weird ways.

Obviously, though, his methods are questionable, and the other characters— including Hajime— get annoyed by this rather quickly.

I'll be honest, Hajime and Nagito had nice interactions when Nagito was taking Hajime around and introducing the class to us, the players. I do understand that Nagito's descent in his mindset is a big part of his character, and it's perfectly reasonable how he got to that point. Nagito himself is such an interesting character, even tragic. But him and Hajime as a pair...? I'm not so sure about that.

I can see Nagito possibly taking a liking to Hajime due to all the "hope" and "talent" he possesses (considering that Hajime is Izuru, whoops spoilers).. But even that brings up another point— when Nagito finds out that Hajime was a reserve course student, he treats him so demeaningly! Knowing Nagito, he probably had his cunning reasons, but he flipped an immediate switch on his treatment of Hajime after learning his identity. 

On Hajime's side of things... Like I said, he really seems to be annoyed by Nagito's twisted logic and methods. He thinks Nagito is insane— and justifiably so, especially considering the shit he pulled in Chapter 5 and even before then. Hajime doesn't seem to like beating around the bush, he's pretty straightforward.. unlike Nagito, who is literally a walking puzzle. 

I just feel like these two would find it difficult to properly communicate in a relationship. I can see them as close friends after everything in DR2 is taken care of, but... I dunno.

I guess this is a good place to bring up the anime, too. They don't interact much in the Despair Arc, only when Hajime is completely Izuru... but we do see them talk as Hajime and Nagito in the Hope Arc. It's very brief, but Nagito called Hajime over to eat before all the food is gone. It's nice to see that the entire group is overcoming the simulation they went through together, and that Hajime and Nagito seem to be getting along fine. However, I think it's just that— I see them as just friends who would laugh at how fucked up Nagito's methods were. 

Oh, another note... I guess Nagito in the simulation was a lot more hectic and self-deprecating since he his memories of Hope's Peak were gone there. He behaved differently in the anime for sure, and it was because he actually bonded with his class and stuff with Chisa and Chiaki's efforts (after a while, of course...). His character arc he had during his school year was wiped in the events of DR2 :')) 

All that aside... 

My feelings on this ship are... mmm... meh. I don't like it, really. Doesn't click with me. 

Once again, I do think that it could be because people like that kind of tension— it seems to be pretty popular with DR ships in particular if we also take in Makoto x Byakuya and Shuichi x Kokichi... 

But I just really don't see this one working. I can see them as close friends if they manage to move past everything that happened, but not lovers. 

As for sexuality headcanons, I can see Nagito being gay, but Hajime... Hajime radiates bi energy, but I don't think he'd love Nagito like that. Maybe thats my Hinanami bias speaking, but even though Chiaki is no longer in the picture after DR2... I don't really see Hajime with anyone else. It's kinda like a Heromari case for me XD (If you know you know)

That's all I gotta say on it, really! I can't think of much else. 

I do know that I'll be revisiting the second game soon since my friends and I just finished the first one together, and we're planning on starting the second real soon (mostly for voiceover practice and for the two friends that haven't ever experienced this series before!)

If you're wondering... um... I'm supposed to be voicing Nagito 🧍🏽Oh joy

But yeah! Who knows, maybe upon revisiting, I'll have more to say. It's not likely, especially considering that I'm rather stubborn with my opinions and need a massive sway to convince me of anything otherwise, but.. who knows :)

That being said, until next chapter, everyone! Sorry it's taking me so long to update these, I just do them whenever I feel like/remember to do so, haha. 

Take care!

(Posted 5/9/23)

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