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Alright, back with Omori!

With this one, I have a bit to talk about...

Sunflower is the ship between Sunny and Basil

This is one of the most common ships I see in the fandom, and I'm gonna be honest— out of Sunburn, Suntan, and Sunflower, this one is my least favorite.

I don't necessarily like it. I don't despise it, but I definitely lean towards the "dislike" side of my ratings.

I'm gonna start with the positives and how shippers seem to view it before I get into my own thoughts.

I can see why people ship them. Sunny and Basil endured a really tragic event together— one that they orchestrated— and have carried this burden of keeping the truth a secret together.

Basil also really seems to admire Sunny, and he considers Sunny his best friend. They were clearly very close, as even in the photo album, Basil said that Sunny isn't much of a talker, but he's a good listener, and he always listened to Basil's vents.

But uh.. that was definitely before the tragedy 😅 Not saying Sunny still wouldn't listen to people and that Basil wouldn't vent, but you know what I mean— that event struck everyone

But yeah... I guess the biggest appeal is that they both kept each others' secrets and endured a traumatic event together (though I think it was in an unhealthy way—)

Also, I can totally see Basil being gay or bi (male leaning), and I could also see Sunny being bi (either evenly split or female leaning)— and Basil's comfort with Sunny could show that he has a crush on him.

However... this is where my arguments also come in.

First off... this seems very one sided. I can totally see Basil having a crush on Sunny (maybe even trying to hide it or repress it), but Sunny..? Two arguments... one, he seems to like Aubrey (especially considering his Headspace), and two, Omori treated Basil horrifically. I'll get into why that matters in a sec.

Basil has a strong attachment to Sunny for obvious reasons, but it's been scaring and even harming Sunny when he let those emotions take over (for example, the bathroom scene on Three Days Left and the fight with Basil on the last day...)

Bro Sunny lost an eye because of Basil's obsession with "saving" Sunny 😭 both of them need immense therapy—

Another quick point, Basil doesn't want Sunny to leave because he can't handle keeping the secret on his own :') not because "oh I have undying love for you" like some people would probably say...

As for the Omori thing...

Omori is basically the embodiment Sunny's repression. He tries to cast away anything that can potentially hurt Sunny, hence why he couldn't remember what actually happened to Mari. Omori is sort of like an escape mechanism, and only after Sunny learns to overcome his grief and forgives himself, Omori backs off, as he isn't needed anymore.

I bring this up because one of the things Omori cast away in Sunny's Headspace— his literal safe space— was Basil. As soon as Basil became a threat to Sunny's trauma resurfacing, Omori immediately hid Basil away in Black Space, which is a beyond horrific place.

This shows that Basil really damaged Sunny emotionally and mentally— Omori wants to protect Sunny from Basil, a real trigger of his trauma since Basil is the one who came up with the idea to stage Mari's death to "wipe" Sunny's hands clean.

...side note on that, do you think Sunny regrets following Basil's lead on that? Sunny was in a ver vulnerable mindset and couldn't think straight so he went along with Basil, but if he was in a clear mindset, do you think he would've done something so horrific? Bro it's so traumatic for him that his sister's corpse is the abstract shape that takes form of all his fears 😭

It also goes to show how fucked up Basil's mindset was too.. and the fact he knows how to tie a noose 😳

But back on point

With Basil being in Black Space, he is attacked and killed off over and over and over. Every time he tries to talk to Omori— which in turn means Sunny hears it—, Omori cuts Basil off by killing him immediately after to prevent him from saying anything.

Basil is a walking trigger for Sunny :'(

However, you can also argue that they both overcome their deepest secret and guilt together right after their fight in the bathroom, but honestly, that's a setup for the road to forgiveness in Sunny's mind. He is learning to forgive himself and then Basil, but it doesn't change the fact that all this damage has been done.

I will say, Sunny's comforting smile to Basil in the bonus true ending with their Somethings fading away was very sweet, and it shows that Sunny really did overcome so much of his trauma.

Despite that, I only see them as best friends who had to avoid seeing each other for a while because of triggers and such. I cannot see them in a functioning relationship— maybe Basil's kinda sorta clinginess could indicate he likes Sunny that way, but I don't think Sunny would romantically like him back, especially after everything they've been through.

I just see them as traumatized friends 😅

That's all I got, really-! As always, if I think of anything else, I'll edit this chapter and post it again :)

Till next time, guys!

(Posted on 9/23/22)

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