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Last Sonic request I have for now!!

Here's Shadamy, or Shadow x Amy

I'll be honest— I'm honestly indifferent about this one!

There are a lot of Sonaze shippers who also ship Shadamy, but I'm surprisingly not one of them 😂

But I'm not saying Shadamy's a bad ship!! I actually liked this one for a little bit :D I'm not really obsessed with it, but I can totally see why people like this (or in some people's cases not 😅)

Positives first!

I love how Amy is the one who helps Shadow find his way in SA2. It's a very short and subtle moment, but it's very adorable and in character for Amy. Shadow even shed a tear in front of her— o.O

Going off of that, I think Shadow does see Maria in Amy. Of course Amy is not Maria, but I guess Shadow sees some of his old friend in Amy, and it could bring him a sense of comfort when he's around her.. a sense of familiarity. I like that 😂

It's also just a cute dynamic! I really wish we could see more of them. I love to see interactions and "heart to heart"s with different combinations of characters ^^

But I guess that also leads into the downsides..

Shadow and Amy don't really have much content together. A lot of it is based on hypotheticals, or it's shipped purely for the "opposites attract" trope.

Remember how I said in my Sonaze chapter that I like the trope when it works?

Well... I don't think this is the case here. Let me explain.

The reason why it works with Sonaze is because the two characters, despite being different in many ways, do have several moments with one another and build on each other. Sonic helps Blaze develop, and it's nice to see their friendship grow. Their ship isn't jut for the sake of opposites attract.

Shadamy on the other hand... there isn't much to go off of, like I said. And there are a lot of Shadamy shippers. Where do you think most of them come from? Probably because they're your obvious opposites trope.

But they also happen to be a specific kind of opposites attract trope— bad boy x good girl

And my god, I HATE this trope on its own. I hate it when it's used for justification and stuff. You can't just be like "I ship Shadamy because bad boy x good girl trope is the best uwu"— heck, even "I ship Sonaze because opposites attract!! >.<"

...This doesn't sound absurd to just me, right? 😅

I just can't stand it when people use tropes as evidence, because it's not :') certain tropes work in different situations, not in every single one

Again, I do see why certain people ship Shadamy! They have a really cute moment in SA2, it's really undeniable. A lot of the headcanons that come from that scene are also super adorable and very interesting when expanded upon.

But as of now, it's one of the few official evidence of Shadamy. Heck, they don't even interact as much in IDW. It's the one ship they still needs tackle in those comics 😂 (side note, I love how much ship representation IDW gives :>)

Final stance?

I think it's okay! As long as it's shipped for an actual reason rather than just a trope

All in all, it's not really a ship that pisses me off. Whenever I see it, it's nice :) again, I just wish there was more of it in the medias. I would like to see them interact more and see if my opinion shifts, y'know?

But if it's shipped for the sake of it being bad boy x good girl (which, by the way, Shadow isn't really a "bad boy"— should've said that earlier)... then I'm gonna look at you and be like "okay and?? Anything else you'd like to add as to why you like them??" 😂

In the end, though, I do appreciate it :) not obsessed with it, but cute art of it does make me smile a little when I see it XD

That's all I have to say!

Leave any ships you want me to talk about down in the comments ^^ I'll try to do as many as I can!

Until then, take care! :D

(Posted 8/11/21)

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