Sunburn || (start of Omori section)

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Hey all! I haven't updated this book in a while, but in those few weeks/months, I got into a new fandom!!

I'm into Omori now!! I absolutely love it, so now, I can rate ships from this game, too :)

Disclaimer though!! As I talk about these ships, there WILL be spoilers!! You have been warned!

So this is the start of the Omori section! ^^


Honestly, what better way to start than with Sunburn, which is the ship name for Sunny and Aubrey

Guys... I literally adore them 😂 This game has such good ships, and this is definitely one of my favorites 🙏🏻💕

Let me go over some moments with them! ☺️

There are many hints that they have/had crushes on each other. Headspace Aubrey specifically is very obvious with her crush on Sunny (or Omori in that case), but remember, this is in Sunny's head! Meaning he dreams of Aubrey liking him ;)

There are also real world moments in which these two share these little moments :>

When Sunny is revisiting his old memories, there is specifically one in the rain, where the four young kids are walking around in their raincoats. Aubrey got a new pink raincoat, and Basil took a picture since we love our photographer boi 😂❤️

If Sunny interacts with Basil after the dialogue, Basil says something along the lines of, "Sunny, you always ask to look at my photo when I take pictures of Aubrey. Do I maybe.. sense a little crush?"

I believe right after, it says "you feel your ears turning red" IT'S SO WHOLESOME 😭💖

And then Basil promises to keep his lips sealed 🤣

But yeah! For a fact, Sunny has a crush on Aubrey— and he's had one on her for a few years, since the rain scene took place at least four years prior to the events of the game. Sunny still might have a crush on Aubrey, considering that even in Headspace, he dreams of Aubrey liking him.

Now... does Aubrey feel the same way?

Honestly, I think so XD I feel like there's a grain of truth to the fact that Headspace Aubrey likes Omori, but Sunny's imagination amped it up a little. It's very possible!

There was also a moment between them in the real world when the group is finally going outside to see the old treehouse again. I can't remember specifically, but Aubrey stays back with Sunny for a bit, wanting to tell him something...but whatever she was going to say was interrupted by Kel calling the two of them over, leaving an annoyed Aubrey to say, "Never mind" or something 😂

There are two things I think she was going to say. One, I think she definitely was going to ask to stay in contact with Sunny after he moved away. I love that so much :') they just reunited like two or three days ago, and she wants to keep in touch 🤧 orrrr she also wanted to privately tell him about some feelings after that? 👀 it's all up to interpretation, but whichever it is, this small moment between them was cute.. especially with Aubrey's annoyance when the moment interrupted XD

Another past scene I remember is mentioned in the Lost Library! It's on Sunny's side again, but it's still so cute 🙏🏻💕 the group was in the car coming back from the beach, and Sunny was starting to fall asleep. I believe that he leans over and accidentally falls onto Aubrey's shoulder (was she also asleep? I can't remember). He feels it, but he pretends not to notice/wake up, because he wants to stay like that :')) it's so pure 🤧

Now that we went over moments... let's talk about some positives!!

I love their dynamic so much. Sunny's always been quiet, and Aubrey's always been very expressive (in the past she was more lighthearted, in the present she's more aggressive... but still passionate in both!).

The way they bounce off each other is nice, and they're also childhood friends 💗

Of course, things get rocky during the present part of the story, as Aubrey turned into a local delinquent during the four years Sunny spent as a hikikomori. The reunion is a little tense, but after the group makes amends, Aubrey definitely seems to have missed Sunny a lot. She still deeply cares for him after all this time, and Sunny does too.

While we don't know what happened after the truth was revealed to the group, I headcanon that all of them (eventually at least), will forgive Sunny. With Aubrey specifically, I think she'd need to process it, and remember that she also nearly killed Basil when pushing him to the lake. She and Sunny made the same mistake, so she can relate to him to some extent.

But headcanon stuff aside, I think they work so well with each other. With Sunny barely talking and trying to express some sort of emotion towards her and Aubrey being a bit of a tsundere, I think it's a very fun and cute one ^^❤️

Now... onto the other side of things.

I'll be honest, I can't really see too many negatives with this ship. I think if anything, people just prefer other ships with Sunny over this one, and that's completely valid! A lot of those are also cute 😂

Maybe some people think that their dynamic is too awkward? I'm really trying to think about some negatives other than the post ending headcanons (in which Sunny isn't forgiven) 😅

I guess you can argue that this ship is mostly seen through one side (Sunny's), but there are also hints from Aubrey, so I dunno. It's up to preference, really! ^^

Also, random note, I 100% headcanon Aubrey as bisexual or bicurious, just saying 😤✨

Anyway, that'll do it for this chapter! If I think of anything else to add, I'll edit the chapter 😂

Thanks for reading guys! Sorry for not updating much, I just do it when I feel like it XD

Until next time! 👋🏻

(Posted 4/11/22)

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