Claudeleth || (start of FE3H section)

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Omg I'm finally starting this section 😭💕

I'm just gonna say a couple things before I get to talking about this ship.

First, as of right now, I've only played the Golden Deer/Verdant Wind route. I know what happens in the others, but I've only played this one. Just a heads up! (I'm not sure if I will play the others because I'm satisfied with the GD ending.. if I get bored, I'll try 😂)

Second, I literally have no true OTP in this game! So many ships are incredible, and I'm still trying to figure out my main ships (I'm not happy with the end cards the game gave me so I'm still conflicted shipping wise XDD)

Alright! With that said....

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Alright where do I begin with these two.

I fucking love them 👏🏻

I'm not normally a fan of self-inserts, especially when it comes to shipping, but Byleth is kind of a special case. I wish she had more character to her, but even so, Claudeleth is so fucking cute 🥺

(Also Fem!Byleth supremacy—)

Claude goes from calling Byleth his teacher/professor to his friend :')) if that's not adorable with the passage of time, I don't know what is.

Of course, there's gonna be spoilers as I talk about this more, buuuuuut...

Claude deciding to come back to Fódlan just because Byleth had to stay and rule there just warms my heart :') Sure this only happens in their S-support, but either way, that's hella cute

I think I saw a video once analyzing Claude's character, and shipping was mentioned. Apparently, Claude returns to Fódlan much quicker if he marries Byleth than if he married someone else. If it wasn't Byleth, he'd either wait to solve problems in Almyra and take much longer there, or he'd take his bride-to-be with him. Goes to show how much Byleth means to him, especially when you S-support them :)

Even without the S-support, these two are really looked up to and seen as a great team. The other members of the Golden Deer praise the two for their efforts, and it's so nice to see :') 💗💗

I also just love their whole vibe 😭 Just— Claude is such a friendly but scheming individual and Byleth keeping him in check is so fun to think about XD


Pleeeease that scene is adorable :'))

They just trust each other a lot, and I fucking live for it 😤

Now I'm not gonna go too in depth with the other ships I pair them with, but this game just won't leave me alone with the quantity of amazing couples that could form 🤧 let's just say that this might be my main Claude and Byleth ship, but my god I have to figure out what to do with some other characters XD

These two can easily be homies, but they work so well as a functioning couple, and that is made clear in their epilogue :') 💖

Now for some negatives... I can't really think of any serious ones. The only one I'm really thinking about is how the union of Fódlan and Almyra would work 😂 would they just rule those countries separately while married or would they unify the two regions? (It might actually work since they're on the same continent, but who knows—)

I can also see some complaints with Claude himself since some argue that his character wasn't fully fleshed out like Dimitri's or Edelgard's, but he's still a very likable and great character with ambitions. Yes, I do wish that more of VW was specific to him and Byleth like the other routes worked (and I wish it wasn't so similar to SS 😒) but I think that his growth as a character came more from his leadership skills and dream of unity :'>❤️

But yeah! Byleth and Claude are super adorable and I fully support it 😤🙏🏻💖


Dimitri and Edelgard are dancing with some other students, it's Claude who asks Byleth to dance and it's so adorable 😤✨💞


That's all I have to say about them for now, I think!! I love these two a lot, and I don't know if I would ship them with anyone else, even though there are other ships with them that are also super cute

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I update very inconsistently, I'm sorry about that, but I'll talk about ships as they come to mind!! Yeah I'll take some requests, but I don't want this to just be based on those, y'know? 😂 I'll update when I feel like it skdknfmf

Thanks for your patience you guys! I know it's a silly book to follow along to, me being excited (or critical) of ships, but I hope you're enjoying :D

Until next time 😉💕

(Posted 10/12/21)

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