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Yeah so remember when I said I don't know if I'll touch on DR again

Guess what happened

I kinda sorta got sucked into the games again since friends are playing through it with me and I just finished watching a V3 playthrough, sooooo... 😅

I'm making DR its own section! I have so many ships I wanna talk about across all three main games, so this is your SPOILER WARNING!! If you don't want to be spoiled for these games, move onto the next section ^^

SO 👏🏻

Since I just finished V3, what better ship to start with than Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa

Because I'm gonna be real, I did not see it coming, and I just thought it was the sweetest thing 😭

(I do have other V3 ships in mind, like all the ones with Shuichi— (why is he shipped with literally everyone lmao))

But alright, here we go with these two!

God I adore them.

It's apparent they care for each other on both sides!!

Kaito is constantly checking on Maki, bringing her out to socialize despite her wanting to stay out of the group. But because he always insists on her tagging along, Maki stops resisting and lets it happen. I feel like she was surprised that Kaito's stubbornness finally got to her 😂

On Maki's end, her feelings are very clear in the fifth chapter especially. There were hints throughout chapters 3 and 4, but 5 is where she let it all out.

Kaito was taken hostage by Kokichi, so Maki devised a plan to kill Kokichi and free Kaito. Her plan was to shoot him with poisoned arrows and have him spit out the truth (since Mr. Oma was being a lil menace as usual), but when she got there, she shot not only Kokichi, but also Kaito, who stepped in the way to defend Kokichi.

So she instantly went to get an antidote she saw earlier and tossed it to Kaito through a little window, but Kokichi took it (and pretended to drink it, but Maki didn't know he didn't drink it.)

Maki tried to find other ways to get in to the room, but failed, and she thought she killed both of them and didn't get the information she wanted. She really didn't want to kill Kaito, and she blamed herself.

HOWEVER! She didn't kill him :D Kokichi gave Kaito the antidote and they started their plan, yadayada.

The real outcome was Kaito being Kokichi's killer. So when Kaito finally stepped out of the Exisal he was hiding in, Maki broke.

She really didn't want him to be the killer, she wasn't ready to accept it. She actually cried, and she admitted to have never felt the feelings she felt towards him before. It was so sad, because she finally let it out as Kaito was on his way to be executed.

So her crush on Kaito was canon 😭 it was so cute while it lasted, but so tragic when he died :'((

Maki also worried for him when Kaito got sick and his virus was revealed to the remainder of the group :'(

Guys Kaito's just such a good guy 😭 like he's a dumbass and takes credit for things but he has his morals and good intentions, and that's what made him and Maki match so well 🤧



But yeah, I feel like I have a bias towards their relationship since it reminds me of my own OCs (Cole and Nina, being similar to Maki and Kaito respectively), so just seeing this kind of relationship done makes me so happy and it gives me more inspiration to develop my own lovelies :'))❤️

But seriously, Harukaito might be my favorite ship in V3. There are other ships I enjoy, but these two are just so good, they're the type of "opposites attract" trope I actually enjoy since they bring out the best in one another and help each other 🥺✨

I usually try to bring in the negatives to show awareness and balance out my ship review in these chapters, but I seriously can't see any for Harukaito...

I dunno, maybe it just doesn't hit with some people or they prefer other ships with Kaito and Maki over this one?? Whatever it is, I don't see what they're seeing 😅

That's all I have to say, really! If I think of anything else, I'll update this chapter, but I really stand by these two 💕

With that said, be on the lookout for future Danganronpa chapters! I have so many ships listed in the drafts already 😉

Until then! ^^ Hope you enjoyed my ramble 😂💕

(Posted 9/3/22)

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