Zukka || (start of ATLA section)

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Oh boy oh boy, we have a new section!!

In the ATLA section, I'll be putting any ATLA or LOK ships since they're in the same universe— just a heads up! ^^

Anyway, this one that was requested was Zukka, which is Zuko x Sokka

I just see them as bros, honestly 😂

They both have their respective girlfriends (Mai and Suki) after all XD

I love their dynamic a lot. I don't ship them, but their bromance is literally top tier in this franchise XD

I feel like the big reason why people ship Zukka is because of the Boiling Rock episodes, but if anything, that just builds their friendship (which of course can develop into a relationship—)

But uhh.. some people need to understand that not every friendship or connection has to be a relationship 😅 People can be just friends too you know XD

Plus, come on, I know Zuko has broken up with Mai before, but Sokka and Suki— 😏 they're going strong 😂❤️

(We do not speak of their fate in LoK, let them live together in peace damn it, they both deserve long happy lives, whether together or separate 😤)

Again, I do get why people like them. Chaotic but smart goofball and a socially awkward kid who doesn't smile because, well, trauma. I see the appeal XD

But you gotta consider other factors as well 😅

So long story short, I like Sokka and Zuko more as very good friends :) I can't see them as any more than that XD I would see them hug at most, I don't think they'd kiss 😂


I have two more ATLA chapters coming up, as well as several more in other fandoms :) thanks for the requests guys! ^^

**speaking of requests, I will only be doing ones where there is actually something to talk about of ones that I'm familiar with. I will make a few exceptions for crack ships, but that depends on which ones**

Thanks for reading guys! 👋🏻

(Posted 8/23/21)

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