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Hiya!! It's been a bit! 😂

But guess what, update on the sections in this book... I've decided that TOH will have its own section! (Yay!!🎉)

I've been on TOH brainrot for a while ever since season 2b, and I'm still not over the S2 finale 😭 (I began writing this chapter shortly after the finale— I'm okay now, but I'd be lying if I still don't get emotional with it XD)

That being said, this chapter will cover Huntlow, or Hunter x Willow!

This chapter will contain spoilers to season 2b, so if you haven't seen TOH or that part of the season, until next time :D

If you have or you don't care, let's get into it XD

I'm gonna start off by saying I absolutely adore them. Huntlow, alongside Lumity (I'm gonna have to update the Lumity chapter at some point—), is one of my top ships in this fandom if not my favorite 😂

I feel as of right now, Huntlow is definitely clear from Hunter's side.

Hunter has blushed at Willow in several occasions, them being:

- "After all, it'll be 52 weeks before 'Caleb's' next day off." (Any Sport In A Storm)
- When he saw "Willow" in Labyrinth Runners (which wasn't Willow, but upon sight of her, he thought it was and blushed)
- After Willow pulled Hunter into her and Gus's hug (Labyrinth Runners)
- After Willow catches Hunter when Flapjack couldn't get to him in time (King's Tide)

I don't know if there were more, but those were some notable ones 😂 he hasn't blushed that way or this often at anyone else, so 👀

There are other Huntlow moments from Hunter's side that are apparent besides the blushes, too! :D

- literally the entire episode of Any Sport In A Storm XD (the "half-a-witch" parallels especially 😂)

- "Have you ever seen her play Flyer Derby? There's no way she'd be afraid of me." (Labyrinth Runners) (the fact that he instantly recognized that that wasn't Willow based on her mannerisms 🙏🏻❤️)

- Hunter (looking like Luz) jumped at Willow to shield her when Kikimora landed her Abomotron (? XD) (Clouds On The Horizon) I'm sorry but the fact he thought to cover for her first is just :')) 🙏🏻💖

- "Willow, are you okay? C'mon, I'll help you up." (King's Tide, after the group's airship crashed.. we saw this through King's muffled perspective :>)

- He backed Willow up and shielded her several times during King's Tide :')

There are also a bunch of little hints Dana Terrace herself (the creator of the show for those who don't know) gave in the art she makes for the show 😂 they're very subtle, but it seems like Hunter is always glancing at Willow whenever the two are in the same drawing.. and then the one for King's Tide's aftermath had Hunter's arm wrapped around both Gus and Willow :)

That's just a bonus though 😂

Now since I went over Hunter's side, what about Willow?

There isn't much to go off of on Willow's end, since I believe she's either unaware Hunter likes her or she herself doesn't know her own feelings entirely yet, but she definitely does care for him, whether it's platonically or romantically.

- When Hunter defended her and the other Emerald Entrails and told them to go, Willow tears up just a little and grips her staff tighter, as if she's ready to help him fight Darius and doesn't want to leave him. Hunter insists saying "Please, Captain," and she reluctantly tells the rest of the team to move out. Willow trusts Hunter with taking care of the Coven Head. (Any Sport In A Storm)

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