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Hello~! Time for the next part of the Omori section!! :D

This time it's Hero x Mari! ^^

I'm going to be super honest... I don't know if there's anyone who doesn't ship them 😂

I absolutely love them ❤️ they're very high up on my favorite ships/OTPs list, and normally when to comes to new fandoms I enter, it's hard to get me attached to a ship immediately... and yet both Sunburn and Heromari did this to me 😂

But anyway, let's talk about it!

I think what's most important to take into account is that they're the oldest of the friend group, same age and grade. Everyone else is around three years younger than them. They're like the parents/chaperones of the group, taking care of their siblings and friends.

Hero and Mari were heavily hinted to be in some sort of a secret relationship. It was never confirmed if they were official, but they definitely had crushes on each other. Mari flirted and teased Hero a lot, which would make Hero all flustered, even though he's the one with the "pretty boy" face and ability to charm people 😂 it's a fun contrast!

In Basil's photo album, he mentions several times how Mari's dad would have been angry if he saw Hero and Mari asleep on the couch together or within closer proximity, so it's safe to assume that if they were in a relationship, they kept it a secret from their parents, especially Mari's.

Also in Basil's photo album, there are displays hints of Mari and Hero's affection towards one another! Holding hands during a picnic, asleep on the couch together, even a photo with what looks like them breaking away from a possible kiss (they're hiding each other's cheeks ;^;💕), and the caption written by Basil ended with "a match made in heaven!" 💗

However... the issue with this pairing is that it doesn't last due to Mari's death.

Through Hero's grief, we see how much he loved and cared for her. Even after four years in the current time of the game, Hero mentions how he still thinks about her very often. Mari was the girl of his life, and it's not going to be easy for him to find love again.

Mari and Hero were by far one of the cutest couples I've seen, and it's tragic that this happened ;-; but hey, they can live on through fanfics 😂

For me personally, I can't see Hero with anyone else. He and Mari were perfect for one another, and they both knew it. I have no idea how Hero would ever find someone to love like that again; it's sad, but it's the truth, considering how close they were and how much they loved each other.

Again, Heromari is one of my favorite ships of all time. And honestly, Mari's death proved that it was too good to be true :'))

So, not only is this ship basically canon, but there are several positives with the dynamic you see them have!

The only negatives I can possibly see are that, well, Mari is dead, and that maybe Mari took her teasing a bit far sometimes... but I think that's mostly fanon and funny comics people made, even though it's kinda accurate XD

All in all, the match in heaven really was one... until one of them was actually taken to heaven ;^;

Anyway, time for me to cry over more Heromari animatics, comics, and artwork, because they live in my heart rent free 😂❤️

Thanks for reading! ^^✨

(Posted 4/23/22)

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