Sonaze || (start of Sonic section)

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Alrighty!! Our first request came in!

And what better way to start the Sonic section than with Sonaze, aka Sonic x Blaze ^^

Before I get into a whole tangent, let me express this in a single sentence...

I adore this ship with all my heart 👀💙💜


Now onto my more complex thoughts!!

Normally I'm not a fan of the "opposites attract" trope. I only like it when it's not for the sake of "oh they're opposites let them kiss uwu"

However... Sonaze is a special case.

It's one of the "opposites attract" cases in which there's actually communication and development in their relationship.

People don't ship Sonaze just because they're opposites— there are several shippable moments with them!

Prime examples are Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure. Those are the games that establish Sonic and Blaze's friendship and allows it to grow. It's honestly such a good growth, too!

One of the main reasons why I love this ship comes from Rush.

Blaze, at first, is someone who doesn't want to rely on others. She believes that her own tasks are her own to carry out. She doesn't want help. She believes she is perfectly capable, even without friends to help her.

That changes of course when she meets the main cast.

They all tell her about Sonic, because they believe that he would be able to help her with her circumstance. Blaze of course declines because she can be a stubborn lil bb sometimes XD

Eventually they do meet, and Sonic willingly helps her despite her telling him not to. They get into a fight, and because of it, the situation gets worse since they got distracted.

Blaze does end up opening up and trusting Sonic. In fact, he (alongside Cream of course) is one of the first people she opened up to and considered a friend.

It's honestly very adorable seeing her stubbornness decrease as Sonic pushes her in the right direction. He teaches her to trust and not be scared to rely on others.

Now, what makes this better is Sonic and the Black Knight.

The game of course takes place in a different world, but Percival still has Blaze's face. She has most of Blaze's qualities and morals. Even though her role is different, it's still Blaze.

So when Sonic saves Percival, they talk for a bit, and Caliburn says, "Save the hugs and kisses for later."

To which Sonic responds:

"What? You jealous or something?"

And Percival looks down and blushes!! 👀

So yes, while Percival is Blaze's counterpart... it's still Blaze's counterpart— I could be reading into it a little too much, but the real Blaze probably has the same interests. Had she and Sonic been in a similar situation, I'm sure Blaze would have blushed as well :)

Other bonus moments come from IDW.

Blaze hasn't been present in IDW all too much compared to other characters, but when she was... god my Sonaze heart was fluttering with joy 😂

In Issue#4, she meets up with Sonic and Tangle, and Sonic immediately greets her with excitement. Even before he called for her attention, he said "Oh yeah!" or something like that seemingly to himself, maybe even to Tangle.

He even talked Blaze something along the lines of, "I'm always glad to see you, but what's the occasion?"

Always glad to see her, eh? 👀 (ofc people are always glad to see their friends but the way he had his arms behind his head and leaning in her direction— 🤣)

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