Piridi (Kid Icarus)

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Hey all!! It's been a while, huh? 😂

I've definitely been a lot busier recently lmao

But here's a new addition to the miscellaneous section!

Pit x Viridi from Kid Icarus! (Specifically Uprising since Viridi didn't appear in the previous two installments to my knowledge—)

Now, just a disclaimer, I'm not very well versed in Kid Icarus, I just watched a playthrough of KIU since I was interested in the characters after playing SSB 😂

So! 👏🏻 Pit and Viridi

I love these two XD

They're a very dorky combo! Pit himself is a huge dork, while Viridi seems to hate but also love the fact he's a dork 😂 I love that so much :D

When it comes to the hints, I feel like the biggest one was in the Aurum Hive (I think that's what it was called??) The gods that were duking it out had to join forces to get rid of this threat.

Please correct me if I'm wrong lmao

You know... I was going to write out their conversation, but I found this video instead :D it's an actual clip from the game in that chapter, so take it as you will ^^

Tldr from the video, Viridi is a tsundere and Pit can't read that from her. Palutena jokes about Viridi having a soft spot for Pit, and Pit admits that he doesn't think Viridi is all so bad. Viridi gets flustered and keeps being a tsundere, emphasizing she's not here to help him, and Pit pouts saying that in that case, he's not here to help her either, which annoys Viridi 😂

They have chaotic energy that's just so charming, idk what it is XD

I don't know if people have an argument against this ship since I'm not really involved in the KIU fandom (if there is one considering the lack of titles in the series—), but I can see one discomfort being "an age gap."

Now... here's the thing.

Viridi is a goddess, she just chooses to appear as a younger girl. I also headcanon she is a relatively young goddess anyway, just maybe not as young as she appears to be, obviously.

Pit is an angel, and I headcanon that angels age slower. So while Pit appears to be around thirteen and relatively young, I think he's older than that.

Either way, both of them are clearly "godly" beings, one of them being an actual goddess. I don't think the age factor really matters in their case due to their possible immortality/slowed aging and the fact that a lot of KIU is inspired off of Greek mythology, where clearly, there wasn't an issue with that (considering incest was a thing among the gods— 😳)

But that aside...

I normally don't like the trope where a character behaves like "I'm mean to you but that means I like you" since people just assume that about characters often... however, in Piridi's case, Viridi does show she cares, she just has trouble admitting it, so she resorts to being mean to Pit to mask it. Her care isn't an assumption.

When Palutena goes missing while Pit was stuck in the ring, Viridi is the one that acts as his guide instead of Palutena. They work very well together, too, and their occasional bickering adds to the charm.

There are obviously many other instances of Viridi having tsundere moments and Pit not taking any of the hints, but I'm not here to list them all for you 😂

(Also, as a side note, if we consider the Smash Bros "Palutena's Guidance" conversations, I think it's funny how Viridi attempts to make Pit jealous by praising Link, and she fools around with Pit by pretending to be Zelda 😂 she's really trying to poke at him—)

All in all, I think they're adorable! They'd definitely be a more wholesome couple than an active one, if you will, but they definitely have potential :)

It would take them a while to get together because of Viridi's stubbornness and Pit's lack of cue understanding, but I think once something pushes them together and forces Viridi to admit her feelings, they'll be a quirky couple 😂

That's all I have to say about it, really! I just really enjoy these two ^^ they're the fun kind of tsundere ship XD

Until next time, guys! 👋🏻

(Posted on 9/3/22)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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