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Back with another Sonic ship!!

This one is Taiream, which is Tails x Cream

(I'm also briefly gonna touch on Chaream, which is Charmy x Cream, since that was also requested but I don't have too much to say about it, so I'll drop it here)

So... 👀

These two are so precious :') 💕

Of course they're just kids, so you can't fully ship them at this age because, well, I don't think 8 and 6 year olds are looking for mates XD

But even so, aaaaa, their dynamic is adorable!

I'm gonna talk about both positives and negatives as always, but I think you all already know what I think of this ship 😂

So positives first!

They're super sweet towards one another! Every interaction they've had has been nothing but wholesome (at least as far as I recall). I really wish they did interact more since Sonic games are starting to lack them, but there's still enough from multiple Sonic medias that shows that Tails and Cream are a really adorable duo :>

I feel like they'd have those silly childhood crushes on one another (or one on the other), and it lingers with them as they become older. Yeah, it's a headcanon, but one based on their personalities 😂

I feel like the most content they've had with one another took place in Sonic X (which I did not finish) and the IDW comics, and I really wish we had more :'))

We also need address some complaints people have for this ship.

A lot of people have an issue with them because "a rabbit and a fox can't be together, the fox would eat the rabbit"

And that it the most bullshit complaint I've ever heard XD Y'all see Zootopia? Judy and Nick? Yeah, they're a rabbit and a fox and are together in a relationship. What about it?

Plus, these are mobians. They're not real animals in their natural habitats, Tails isn't going to eat Cream 😂

Oooh oh this one pisses me off XD

"But they're kids"

Yes, yes they're kids, but that doesn't mean that they can't have cute childhood crushes on each other and stuff, y'know? Something tame and cute. None of that actual relationship stuff until they're older XD

Another is "but Cosmo—"

Cosmo isn't required to be in a relationship— no one is. The same goes for every ship tbh— it's not like one character is tied to another and no one is allowed to ship anything else -_- (I have a lot of beef with shippers of a certain ship bc that's literally their excuse.. I'm surprised no one asked me to rate that ship yet)

Back on track though—

I feel like there are a lot of people who don't like Taiream for more petty reasons I guess. It's okay if you simply don't like it, it's just that some of the reasoning makes no sense, and it's sometimes hypocritical 😅

Long story short, I like this ship a lot, it's super cute and I wish these two can interact more in modern media. I get if people don't like the pair, but if you're gonna argue against it, please come with solid evidence and not "they're kids" or "but Cosmo's gonna be alone."

Thank you for reading! Sorry for the slow updates, there are a lot of requests I need to catch up with but I just don't have the time XD Thanks for your patience tho <3

Until the next post! :D

(Posted 8/26/21)

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