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Alrighty, next Sonic request for this batch!

This time we have Knuxouge, or Knuckles x Rouge (some people call it Knouge for some reason 😅)


Let me be real with you here—

I uh... I have a bias against bickering couples.

Yes, some bickering is okay and it's realistic. Alright. But if it's constant?? Like for these two?? ...Again, I do see why some people enjoy those tropes, but it's just not for me. I hate it when couples fight, so whenever I ship things, they tend to be the "healthier" relationships... for the most part. Not like all pure since that's not possible, but y'know, more positives than negatives.

Now, you see, Knuckles and Rouge bicker a lot. It's just at the point where Rouge is clearly doing it to piss him off bc she knows how to. Knux's got a short temper— he's gonna get pissed easily, especially when it's the same person over and over.

Of course if Rouge stops, it's gonna feel strange for Knux since he's used to her bothering him, but he shouldn't be used to that to begin with..?? It's not a fun thing to be used to.

Again, I do see why people ship this. Some people like how flustered and angry Knuckles gets around her, and that Rouge keeps coming back to tease him (but let's be real, she kinda does that to anyone so she can get what she wants, and she keeps coming back to Knux bc he has the Master Emerald). They also do care for each other— just like they care for all their friends. I just don't think they'd be good as a couple in particular.

Some people, which I personally don't understand, like it when two characters hate each other and bicker a lot, and the same goes for tsunderes (tsunderes only work in some cases for me, not the biggest fan of them). It's just... how do you ship two characters that get on each others' nerves unless there really are actual relevant hints to lead you to say otherwise?? I don't understand 😅

I don't know, I don't really like these kinds of ships— but that's personal preference. I acknowledge why others do enjoy this ship, it's just not for me.

It's okay if you guys ship it! I'm not judging you! I just don't like couples that fight extremely often :') love does not equal hate, y'all XD

That's my final stance on this, really 😂😅

I hope I didn't crush anyone's dreams skjdnfsjjd

I hope you guys kinda get my reasoning tho! Take care everyone, I'll get the next request done sometime soon ^^ feel free to ask for more in the meantime :D

Until then ^^👋🏻

(Posted 8/18/21)

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