Sondam || (start of DR section)

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[Update from 9/3/22: I am now in the DR rabbit hole. This chapter was written before I got into it, but I'm making DR it's own section :>]

[With that in mind, enjoy the section as it releases!]


Y'know what's funny

I literally know nothing about Danganronpa

I've only heard of the games and that there's an anime of it. That's it.

However, the glorious duo that is Game Grumps made a series on the first game and are currently playing through the second, and holy shit, I'm loving the playthrough, they make it so enjoyable 😂

I am by no means in the Danganronpa fandom, I just enjoy the characters. Thank you GG 😂

I love the first game tho just bc of all the dumb jokes Arin and Dan made XD genuinely made me laugh skdkfk

So yeah, I'm not really too invested in this franchise and again, I am don't know anything outside of the first game and second, but in D2, Sonia and Gundham caught my eye. So I'm gonna talk about them because oh my god—

Sonia Nevermind, from what I know, is the princess of another country, making her kind of like a foreign exchange student. She made it to Hopes Peak as the Ultimate Princess I think (how tf is that rated? 🤣) She's pretty sweet and I think after chapter four, she isn't afraid to be more assertive. Also, uh, people really simp for her in the game, it's kinda funny XD (cough, Soda—)

Gundham Tanaka is the Ultimate Breeder, and he has a bunch of lil hamsters and he claims he's gonna take over the world with them XD I literally love him, he's hilarious without meaning to be 😂 he's kinda like the one kid who has these crazy ideas and is super fucking ambitious that you can't take him seriously, even though he's 100% serious— but in a lovable way XD

He acts like he's all evil and stuff, threatening to take over the world, but he's such a softie omg and with his hamsters too 😭

We're gonna get into spoiler territory bc this is how we are in this book

But omg his execution was so sad. He was great, I miss him ;-;

However, we're here for the ship :')

Gundham and Sonia were so adorable. Sonia clearly is interested in what Gundham has to say about his hamsters and she really appreciates his ability to train animals, and she compliments him a lot. It's funny with Gundham, because he wants to be seen as this evil overlord, but Sonia is softening him up 😂

His reactions to her comments are so cute ;^; When she admired how he must have a close relationship with his hamsters and that he trained them so well, he put his scarf up and blushed super hard and thanked her. That's way too cute, please 😭

I think what makes all of this better is that Soda is into Sonia, and he keeps trying to get with her only to find that she's either shutting him up or chilling with Gundham 🤣

I honestly don't know if people have issues with this ship since again, I'm not really in the fandom, but I really don't think there are?? Sonia is clearly interested in Gundham's interests and passions, and Gundham appreciates it.. in his own way 😂

Before the execution, Sonia was begging Gundham not to go and she didn't want to believe he was the killer, but he kept assuring her that it'd be okay and that she can't keep a murderer from walking to his punishment :') it was something like that, I can't remember clearly, but it was so sad :(

After the execution, Sonia took Gundham's hamsters on walks, and I thought that was the most adorable thing ;^; 💕

(Wait I just realized why is the ship name Sondam and not Sondham 🤣 I literally looked it up to double check, wtf XD)

I guess in this case someone would say that this wouldn't work since one of them is dead. However, considering the ending of SDR2... I think he's okay 😂

Since there was that whole simulation and the "we choose our own ending" thing along with Makoto saying "somehow, I think they'll make it work" in regards to the "dead" friends waking up... I think it's safe to assume they totally would make it 😂 so Sonia and Gundham are gonna piss of Soda with the sheer power of their dynamic XDD

Also, keep in mind guys, I don't know anything about Danganronpa besides the first and second games. I don't know the other games, the anime, or anything else related to the franchise. I know that there are moments with Sonia and Gundham in the anime, but I don't know anything specific 😂

But yeah! I like these two a lot! They're very wholesome and I loved seeing them interact ^^

I don't know if I'll touch on Danganronpa again, but if I feel strongly about a ship or feel like writing about one, I'll do it :)

Until the next one! ^^

(Posted 6/30/22)

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