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This one wasn't really requested by anyone, but I think I need to say something about it since it's one of the most popular ships in the fandom

Silver x Blaze ...

I'm not a big fan

I think why people like this ship so much is because of their dynamic— in 06 especially. I get that, they're very friendly to each other and support one another, and Silver was not willing to sacrifice Blaze to save the world.

But... does that automatically make them couple material?

Let's be honest, the dynamic they had was more brother-sister-like. At least, that's what I feel.

Blaze is the more mature out of the two, and Silver is the more naive one. This means Blaze is the wiser one, acting more like an older sister to Silver, maybe even like a guide. That's what she's been doing in 06– he asked her for advice, and she answered as honestly as she could.

I know that someone on the official Sonic Team stated that Silver and Blaze are simply best friends and have a platonic relationship. Of course, that's not gonna stop shippers, but I do want to throw that out there to some of the extremists I've encountered that claim that Silvaze and Sonamy are "canon" (they aren't— no ship is, and I hope no ship ever will be)

I really can't see Silver and Blaze as anything more than friends that deeply care about one another that act sibling-like. They have a sibling dynamic, and I'm all here for it 🙏🏻

Honestly, I think people ship these two because of how close they are, like I mentioned in the beginning. However, other than the fact that they're close friends, there is nothing to really hint that they're romantically interested in one another. I believe they're better off as friends, but it's okay if you don't think the same.

But I also do want to remind you that close friendships don't always lead to romantic relationships. Funny story from personal experience, a friend of mine confessed to me a little over a year ago and we decided to date. The thing is, I realized I couldn't see him more than one of my close friends, so we agreed we were better off as such and broke off after a little while. We're still friends to this day— we literally just called with our other friends 😂

But what I'm saying is, some friends should stay friends, nothing more. I think Silver and Blaze fit this area.. I just can't see them in a romantic relationship, it just makes me.. uncomfortable for some reason?? Even though they're the same age and everything, I can't help but feel a little bit "eh" about their ship. Again, it could be because they're close friends and that's all I see them is.

"Then why do you ship Shadouge?" I hear you asking.

It's complicated 😂 Shadow and Rouge are close friends too, yeah, but their dynamic is a lot different compared to Blaze and Silver's. That's the main thing, I guess. It's all about dynamic for me— if I notice characters finding interest in one another in a different way than they do to others, then my ship radar goes up XD

Honestly I headcanon that Silver had a small crush on Blaze before, but she never felt the same way— which Silver was completely content with and they continued being friends :)

There's also the fact that 06 was erased, but I guess that just doesn't matter anymore since people are like "ohh but they remember each other huuuuu" ...that's not how erasing the timeline works, but okay? 😅

And either way, I can't really make that argument because, well, they'd still treat each other the same way, same timeline or not. The same goes to the other pairings in 06– if Sonic and Elise met again, they'd still treat each other the same, just without memories of 06 interactions.

So while I can't really use 06 against it, y'all can't use the 06 card saying "ohh but they can still remember uwu" because that would mean Sonic and Elise would also remember :> Have fun ^^✨

Now... there is something I want to mentioned that is pure bias, so this probably will not fuel your opinion at all 😂 But I do want to bring this up because it relates to the ship and it's something that happened just two days ago.

...I think another reason why I hate this ship is because of the fans. Some of them are good, but a lot of the extremists are gatekeepers and over all just toxic with their behavior, putting Silvaze on a pedestal and harassing others that don't think the same. I posted a Sonaze comic on Twitter a little bit ago, and a big Silvaze artist on the platform accused me of copying another big Silvaze artist. It's a long story, but both artists handled the situation very immaturely, as the one who harassed me was throwing in invalid information and assumed things about me, and the other artist never said anything and flat out blocked me instead of coming forward to talk.

Needless to say, these two ruined the ship for me even more. Whatever little respect I had for Silvaze as a couple is gone. I feel nothing good for it 😅

But bias aside, like I said, I simply cannot see these two as anything more than just friends. To me, they're like those comedic detective duos XD I dunno, that's the first thing I thought of 😂

I also just want to see both Silver and Blaze interact with more people, damn it ;-; Gimme more Silver and Whisper— or Silver and Amy for my heart sjdjfn (then maybe that Silvaze artist can freak out of Silvaze "losing its popularity" (I'm not kidding, that was one of their worries sjdjnf I've never met a more toxic Silvaze fan 🤣))

Anyway, please excuse my saltiness towards the end XD

Long story short, I don't like Silvaze at all, they should merely stay friends, and we need to have more ships with Silver 🙏🏻 (Blaze at least has a few XD)

I feel like there's more I wanted to say but I can't really put a finger on it... I'll update this chapter if I remember anything 😂

Sorry for not posting here much! I just come here whenever I feel like it I guess 😂😅

See ya :)

(Posted 2/12/22)

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