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Oh boy oh boy, back to FE3H we go! 😂

I was holding off on doing FE ones because I honestly don't know which ships I feel about strongest— I love so many of them XD

I guess I want to establish which ships I'd have in my "post game" setting, y'know?

But this one just came to my head today, and I feel like it's one I can talk about, and it's pretty popular in the fandom too 👀

So! Sylvix, or Sylvain x Felix

I'll be honest, not a big fan of this one.

I'm gonna try to look at some positives first before I go into my stupid dumb analysis portion 😂

I see why some people like it. Sylvain and Felix are childhood friends, and Felix is the embodiment of a male tsundere and Sylvain is a flirtatious type. Obviously that'd attract shippers to this one 😅

I just.. I can't see them as anything more than just friends.

Felix already has a tough time expressing his feelings. Of course, that means whenever he does say anything, shippers go wild. But does every time he expresses himself and lets his tough skin go automatically mean love? It just means he's opening up for once, and it could just be as a friend.

With Sylvain, Felix has been frustrated by him for a while, but that was mostly due to him needing to cope with his loss of his brother and just other shitty things that happened in his life. His dad doesn't make things better, either, so he's just in an overall pissy mood. Sylvain seems to have moved on rather quick, so it definitely makes their dynamic complicated... I don't think Felix ever fully recovered from his brother's death, as he's always been really bitter about how everyone's stance on it.

I can't quite remember where Sylvain stands on the "he died like a true knight" spectrum, but again, he still seems to have recovered quicker. Obviously, though, he helps Felix a lot and protects him— even when Felix would rather work on his own.

I'll be truthfully honest, my mind is really foggy on Azure Moon. I haven't played the route myself— I watched my sister play it. I don't remember all of their support conversations, and I didn't even start Three Hopes. So when it comes to evidence, maybe there's something I'm missing, I don't know.

Still, Sylvix as a couple always rubbed me the wrong way, I guess. I personally can't see them as more than just very close longtime friends who look out for one another, even through their differences.

Maybe the other thing is that neither of them can S support M!Byleth, so I defaulted to seeing them as straight? But again, I know Three Hopes turns the gay up higher lmao (not in a bad way! 😂 Apparently there are a lot more ships there—). Of course, M!Byleth just might not be their type of guy, I dunno. Even if that was the case, my brain just defaulted to those two being at least female-leaning attraction wise.

(If I personally had to headcanon, though, I'd say Felix could be on the ace spectrum—but not fully ace—and Sylvain might be bi, female leaning :>)


I dunno. I just don't really see them as a romantically involved pair. I've always seen them as best friends that get on each other's nerves like brothers do. 

Who knows, maybe if I actually get around to Three Hopes and something catches my attention, maybe I'll be swayed. But like I mentioned in other chapters of this book, it's very difficult to change my mind if I have a set opinion on something. My brain doesn't like being proven wrong, haha.. 

But yeah, that's all for now for Sylvix :D Until next time, guys!

(Posted 5/9/23)

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