Lumity || (start of TOH section)

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Alright!! Time for the miscellaneous section!

Just to briefly explain what this section is—

This is where I talk about ships from franchises I don't touch on too often. I'm still a fan of these franchises, I'm just not into them as much as, for example, Sonic or Fire Emblem 3H. If I get enough ship requests from a certain fandom, that'll become a whole section on its own.

I don't think that'll be the case for The Owl House tho, so I think we should be fine with this being the start of this section :D

So now to introduce the ship!

Lumity is the ship between Luz Noceda and Amity Blight :>

As for my thoughts on it?

I think it's cool that we have a practically canon main LGBT ship on a Disney show! Like there were LGBT side characters, but I think TOH might be one of the first ones that has main characters that are a part of the community.

As I talk about this ship, keep this in mind— I am writing this as of August 2021!! TOH Season 2 is not yet finished, and I have only watched up until S2 Ep.5 because I only have Disney Plus 😂😅

**Update, I have watched up till episode 10 as of now, but my thoughts are still the same**

So I might not touch on some things that happen later, idk :/ I don't think my opinion on them will change tbh 😅

I've feel like I usually enjoy the more "canon" ships because they just have more to them. The show is making an effort to push their relationship forward (SVTFOE is an exception here— 😒)

I really do like their dynamic! I like that Luz is kind of like Amity's hope— Luz gives Amity courage to be herself and fight back against those who hurt her. Luz also goes out of her way to help Amity do her best (yes she does this for every friend, but Amity's reaction to it is what makes it different)

As far as I know, Amity made her move and confessed her feelings that way. Now it's just up to Luz to take her time to figure that stuff out and get with Amity.

Now... although I do like them as a couple, there are some things I really don't like— but that's not because of them as characters.

One, the shipping itself.

What I mean is, the show focuses too much on the ships rather than the plot. SVTFOE did this, and I was afraid TOH might do the same if people demanded so much Lumity. So far there doesn't seem to be an issue with it, but I don't like getting too much content of a ship at a time, y'know? I don't want it to be "in your face" and stuff. It makes it feel forced.

Two, I feel like it was a little rushed— in the beginning, I mean.

Amity went from despising Luz and her friends to being a part of their group in the span of a few episodes. And then suddenly Amity has a major crush on Luz as those days go on??

I mean, yeah, I do like it when "villains" sometimes turn around and become friends with the good guys, but I feel like that was a little too fast..??

I also don't like how she suddenly becomes so easily flustered around Luz. In season 2 it makes sense now, but in season 1? It was just a sudden jump to that behavior, I dunno.

Again, I really do like Amity and Luz. I do see why people ship them, I'm just not as crazy about it as some are 😂

I also see them as best buds, honestly. I wouldn't mind them being in a relationship, but I also do like them as just friends. Both are okay for me :D


Y'all so season 2b came out and honestly

While the buildup for Lumity was a bit rushed, holy shit their ship at the moment is adorable. Luz just needs to work on her communication skills and stop lying to Amity (I know she means well but Amity is hurt by it), or it might not end well :/

But besides that, I love them ;^; 💖


That's all I have to say about this one, really!

Feel free to drop down more ships for me to go over in the comments! I'll do whichever ones I'm familiar with :D

Until next time! ^^👋🏻

(Posted 9/9/21)

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