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Aight, time to get another Omori one down :D

This time I'm talking about Suntan, or Sunny x Kel! :D

While I do like Sunburn more, Suntan is absolutely adorable and I see why people like it :) ✨

I think this should be a given, but Omori spoilers up ahead! ^^

So for starters, Kel is the one to bring Sunny out of the house 😂

He's also a big ray of sunshine, and he makes sure to include Sunny in everything and take his opinions into account (if Sunny ever has any input to begin with, lmao). Kel's just very inclusive!! It's a good contrast to Sunny's more reserved nature, so I see why people enjoy this ship so much.

I don't see many negatives tied to it, it's more of a preference thing imo.

The reason why I particularly don't ship Suntan over Sunburn is because I really just can't see Kel being into anyone romantically like that... but that's just my own headcanon 😂 I think he's just either not actively looking for a relationship at the moment, or he could be somewhere on the ace spectrum :) that's what I personally imagine for him XD

My only argument that would be against a pro for this ship is that "Kel is so supportive towards Sunny!" being used as evidence, but if that was the case, Kel would have a crush on everyone since he's a super sweet guy to literally everyone—

Especially Mincy 😅 she's probably the only competition Sunny would have in the "who's more supported by Kel" contest lmao

And maybe Basil?? In any case, what I mean is that Kel is just a good guy and encourages many people, not just Sunny, so if that is used as "evidence" for Kel liking Sunny that way, there might be some logic issues there XD

As I said before though, I really do appreciate this ship. I don't actively ship it, but I think it's sweet and I see why people enjoy it as much as they do ^^

That's all I got for this one!

Take care, everyone :) I'm slowly trying to update some drafts I have dusting in this book 😂😂

So in that case, until next time ☺️👋🏻

(Posted on 9/3/22)

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