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Hiccup and Toothless soon got out of the forest. They started walking on a dirt path leading him towards the centre of the island. Behind them Astrid and her friends soon caught up.

"Hey you can't just leave us after telling us you are Hiccup! Our Hiccup!" Tuffnut yelled at him.

"Yeah! We have some questions. Like where were you? What have ya been doing?" Ruffnut asked, but didn't get any answer from Hiccup.

"Everyone back at Berk thought that you're dead Hiccup. Do you have any idea what I have done only to find you?" Astrid breathlessly said as she and her friends were having trouble keeping up with the Dragon rider.

As for Hiccup he stayed silent during the whole thing. Astrid proceeded to say something but stopped in her tracks along with her friends. There was a group of Dragons standing a few metres away from them. The Dragons were aggressively growling and started walking towards Astrid and her friends. But before anything bad happened Hiccup stepped between the Dragons and Astrid.

The Dragons came to a halt at that. A Nadder growled and crooned like it was talking.

"They're friends." Hiccup said. This made the Dragons stop growling.

They apologetically crooned and flew away. "Sorry about that. They aren't used to seeing new people on the island." Hiccup told the gang and started walking again, followed by Toothless and the gang.

After a few minutes of walking they reached a place which looked like a crossroads in the middle of a small town. There were Dragons, who were freely roaming around. Some looked at Astrid and her friends suspiciously but didn't mind them. There were many varieties of Dragons. Nadders, Nightmares, Gronkles, Zipplebacks. Even some extremely rare dragons like Rumblehorns, Hobblegrunts, etc. The gang was in complete awe as they watched everything.

"So this is what you've been doing for the past 5 years." Astrid said in awe as she looked back at Hiccup. Hiccup smiled and nodded.

"Take this path. It would lead you to my house. It has multiple rooms so I hope you won't have any problem getting settled." Hiccup said, pointing towards a dirt path. He then whistled in a special tune. A few Terrible terrors came flying and hovered in front of Hiccup. Hiccup let out some low growls and clicks and the Terrors nodded. "They will help you get settled. Just don't touch anything. And don't provoke the Dragons. I will be in the forge. It's not far from here. If you need me you can come there. The Terrors will show you the way." Hiccup told the gang as he turned back towards them and then left with Toothless.

Astrid and her friends were too shocked to comprehend what just happened. They broke out of their trance when the Terrors started chirping loudly. Astrid and her friends soon walked down the dirt path and after a few minutes they reached their destination. Their jaws dropped when they saw Hiccup's house. It was a two storey mansion, built out of wood and stone. It was decorated with plants and the walls were painted with beautiful designs. They looked at the mansion in awe as they entered it.

"Damn. My house looks like a hut compared to this." Snotlout said as they entered the living room.

The Terrors split up and guided them towards their rooms. Ruffnut and Tuffnut had to share one room, while others got their own separate rooms. The rooms were quite big. Each room had a bed, a Cupboard filled with some towels and some other essential stuff, a writing desk along with a chair and a shelf containing some books.

In the case of the Thorston twins, they had two beds in their room. Astrid looked out of the window in her room and saw the beautiful view outside. The mansion was on high ground near a mountain. There was a small stream flowing behind the mansion. The scenery was beautiful.

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