New lands

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It's been two months since they began their journey. Astrid had been leading them through the journey because of her experience in sailing and exploring. They did found some small islands, but those islands were too small to build a new Berk in there.

There wasn't even enough resources which they could use to improve their life back on Berk. So they kept traveling. Their life during the travel wasn't easy. Some of them were suffering sea-sickness. Specially Snotlout. It was funny to see the self proclaimed perfect viking losing his balance and puking like he was drunk.

The others who were stronger were barely fine. They were also running out of supplies. Although they could still fish if they needed more food, but collecting drinking water would be a problem. If they couldn't find a new island in one week they would have to return back to Berk.

The all father mist be on their side, because during their whole journey they had to face almost no dragons. During their journey they had to face a storm but luckily everyone was safe. But the storm changed their travel route. Some of the crew were already losing their hopes. They just wanted to go back home and reunite with their families and friends.

Stoick himself felt like they should return and try again later with more preparations. "Chief look!" Astrid exclaimed pointing towards something. Stoick was on the deck, checking on his men. Hearing Astrid he approached her. She was holding a spyglass in her right hand while eagerly pointing towards something with her left.

Stoick  looked at the direction she was pointing at and  When he saw it he beamed with happiness. Just a mile away there was a island, a big one. Stoick took the spyglass from Astrid and watched the island through it. It's as big, if not bigger than Berk. With one look at it Stoick could tell it is ripe with resources.

The crew present on the deck also saw the island and cheered with happiness and delight. "Looks like we have found out new home." Stoick told his fellow vikings with a laugh. They laughed at this too. Even Astrid chuckled.

"Looks like that storm was a blessing in disguise." Tuffnut said leaning on the mast. "Yeah, the gods are on our side." Ruffnut said. Fishlegs pulled out his own spyglass and calculated the distance between them and the island. "With this speed, I think we will be able to reach there in two hours." Fishlegs told them. "Then what are we waiting for." Snotlout managed to say before he leaned out of the ship and puked again. Everyone turned away from him in disgust.

"Set sail for that island Astrid." Stoick ordered. "Aye, aye chief." Astrid said and went away to do her job. Soon they reached their destination. The island was bigger than Stoick thought. They descended the ship as it touched the shore.

Snotlout fell on his knees and started to kiss the shore as he chanted,"Finally, Land, land, lovely beautiful land." Suddenly some sand entered his mouth and Snotlout jumped on his feet, spitting and trying to wipe the sand off from his tongue. Some Vikings smirked at this as the others chuckled. The twins were holding on to each other as they laughed at this.

Snotlout grumbled in anger and embarrassment. "Enough!" Stoick exclaimed making them all stop. "Now, we need to check the island to see what resources we can find here and then send some men back at Berk to lead the rest of our people here." Stoick stated and continued as the others nodded, "So half of you will stay here and make a camp and do any necessary repairs on the ship. Gobber will be in charge of y'all." The Vikings nodded.

"And the rest, you will come with me. We will explore as much of this island we can and then we will find a high ground and make a map of this place." Stoick said as the Vikings nodded again. Stoick sorted out the Vikings and made a team to go with him as the others will stay behind to guard the ship.

Snotlout and Fishlegs were chosen to stay with Gobber. Snotlout groaned and protested against it but one glaire from Stoick made him shut his mouth. Some of the Vikings Snickered at this. The team which was supposed to go with Stoick also included Astrid, Tuffnut and Ruffnut.

"Good luck on ya'r 'xpedition." Gobber said. Stoick nodded and said,"Keep an eye on Snotlout. We will return as soon as possible." And proceeded to leave with his team following him. The hardly managed to take a few steps when the heard a loud roar of a dragon. This made them stop in their tracks. Some of them were shocked and stunned.

Just then the dragons fell from the sky and landed a few feet in front of them. Some dragons came out of the jungle and joined their fellows. Those dragons surrounded them. Those dragons were mostly Monstrous nightmares and Deadly nadders. There were some Timber jacks too.

The Vikings pulled out their weapons but soon realised that the odds weren't in their favour. They were out numbered, the dragons had surrounded them and we're to far for them to reach without being noticed, the had left their long range weapons back in the ship.

The dragons were prepared to attack. They could see the Nadders had their spikes ready to shoot and the fire glowing in Nightmares' throat and mouth. Just one wrong move and they would end up dead. The dragons could finish them if they wanted,but it was like they were waiting for some kind of command.

"What's going on?" Tuffnut asked in a near whisper like voice. "Shhh!" Astrid shushed him. Just then they heard the unforgettable screech of a Nightfury. "NIGHTFURY!!" "GET DOWN!!" Many of the Vikings yelled and ducked. The Nightfury landed in front of the dragons, facing the Vikings.

The sight of the Nightfury was enough to make the Vikings nearly faint. But what scared them more was the figure sitting on the back of the Nightfury. It was a man. The man descended from the back of the Nightfury and stood a feet in front of the dragon. Some of the Vikings began to shake as they realised that who the person infront of them was.

It was the Night rider.

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