Meeting With The Vikings

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The Viking camp was momentarily thrown into a fit of panic when suddenly four Dragons landed in their camp. Dagur facepalmed as he realised Camicazi's idea of making a dramatic entrance wasn't something he should have agreed to. The red head glared at Camicazi. The Bog-Burglar hier sheepishly smiled at Dagur, making the latter shake his head in annoyance.

"Everyone please calm down!" Thuggory yelled out as he dismounted his Monstrous Nightmare.

"What is the meaning of this!" Stoick shouted as pushed through the line of panicking Vikings and stood in front of them. And the gang also came there soon and stood behind Stoick, among the people in front of the crowd.

He stopped in his tracks as he saw the intruders. The heirs of the Meathead tribe, the Bog-Burglar tribe, the present chief of the Berserker tribe and his sister.

"Thuggory, Camicazi, Chieftain Dagur and Heather. What-what are you all doing here!? And why are you all in Dragons!?"

"Hey, chief Stoick." Dagur said with a nervous chuckle but soon the nervousness was wiped off his face as he fixed his demeanour "I believe there is no point in hiding this from you anymore. I along with Thuggory, Camicazi and my sister are allied to Hiccup. He has taught us how to coexist with Dragons and train them. It's thanks to him that we were able to befriend such magnificent creatures." Dagur gestured to his black and grey Thunderclaw while the others dismounted their own Dragons.

"Wait, you're Hiccup's allies!?" Stoick said, bewildered at this revelation. But he soon realised that it shouldn't be a surprise that someone as powerful as the Night rider will have allies by their side.

The heirs and the chief just nodded their heads in confirmation.

"All this time you all knew my son was alive and well, and where he was staying and you never told me about it! Why!?" Stoick exclaimed in anger. Hiccup might hate him, and Stoick himself had despised his son for some time after that event five years ago. But Hiccup was still his son. He would give the world if it means that he will have a chance to reconcile with his son.

"Because Hiccup didn't want us to." Thuggory answered.

"And besides," This time it was Camicazi who spoke "I remember you declaring Hiccup to be no kin to you and branding him as a traitor not too long after Hiccup left. How could we trust you to not invade our friend!?" The heir of the Bog-Burglar tribe sounded angry as she spoke the words.

Camicazi even marched towards Stoick a bit and had to be physically restrained by Thuggory and Heather. A furious glare was still present in the eyes of the young woman as she kept glaring at the chief of Berk.

Stoick on the other hand looked down a bit in shame. He knew the girl was right. He knew that if he had learnt about Hiccup before, he may have attempted to capture him. Especially during the first year of Hiccup's disappearance. He was so blinded by his pride, rage and hatred that he may have harmed his own son if he found him. It wasn't until he received the news of Hiccup's supposed death that he realised how much Hiccup had meant to him.

"Camicazi!" Dagur growled "We aren't here for a fight. And your antics aren't helping the situation." The golden haired hier calmed down and mumbled an apology to Dagur. The latter nodded his head as a sign of acceptance of the apology. Then he turned to face the chief of Berk.

"Stoick, we would like to have a talk with you, in private." Dagur said. While warily eyeing the other Vikings staring at them.

"Well, we can talk here." Stoick said. But Thuggory immediately intervened. "No Chief Stoick. This is important and it would be better if you don't have other people to twist your ears during our conversation." Stoick thought about it for a bit and finally agreed to it.

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