Making Peace

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Hiccup was training in his arena. It has been a few days since his conversation with Gobber. On that very same day, his friends had talked with him and convinced him to give the Berkians more time. And after a long discussion Hiccup had agreed to that and his friends carried the news to the Berkians.

Right now, Hiccup was in his training arena, punching a wooden dummy, letting out all his frustration on it. The memories of the conflicts he had faced a few days ago, of the hardships he faced, of the betrayals and anguishes rushed into his mind. With one strong punch, Hiccup dropped the dummy on the ground.

But it wasn't enough for him. Hiccup moved past the dummy, continuing his assault on the stone brick wall of his training arena.

Hiccup kept on punching, ignoring the pain in his hands as more and more memories flooded his mind. His childhood, the harsh treatment he had received from his so-called tribe, his struggles,.... Memories of her...


Hiccup looked back at the source of the voice and found Toothless coming towards him. The Nightfury rushed beside his 'brother', his big acid green eyes staring at Hiccup's hands in worry.

Hiccup looked down and finally saw the condition of his hands himself. His fingers and knuckles were badly bruised and bleeding. Before Hiccup could say anything, Toothless began to lick his wounds.

Hiccup didn't show any resistance to this and let Toothless do what he was doing. He knew about the healing properties of Nightfury saliva, and even kept some stored away for emergency uses.

Toothless stopped once there was no more blood on Hiccup's hands and they were properly coated in his saliva. He took a step back and stared at Hiccup.

"Sorry,....uh, I got out of control." Hiccup apologised.

"Hiccup, you almost broke your fingers." Toothless all but yelled.

"I'm fine Toothless." Hiccup said.

"No you're not!" Toothless yelled at Hiccup,"Hiccup, I've known you long enough to know when you're not okay. And I know you're suffering right now."

Hiccup looked away after hearing Toothless's words. No matter how much he tries to deny it, he knows his friend is telling the truth.

"I can see the conflict within you Hiccup." Toothless said, his tone filled with concern,"I can see how it's affecting you. I've never seen you this distraught since,.... Since her. And I'm afraid that, that you will be lost again. For forever this time."

"I'll be fine Toothless." Hiccup said, his voice sounding almost like a whisper.

The statement was more to convince himself than his draconic friend and brother in arms. Toothless concernedly stared at Hiccup for some time before sighing.

"I hope you are." Toothless said and left the place.

Hiccup sighed and also left the arena. He attended to some of his daily duties.

Somewhere else on the island, the gang, and Hiccup's friends were gathered together.

"You sure this will work?" Astrid asked.

"Well, yeah. Mostly." Ruffnut replied.

"Wait, what do you mean by mostly?" Thuggory asked, sounding slightly panicked.

"We don't have time for all this right now guys. Let's just hope that this plan Ruffnut has suggested works out finely." Camicazi intervened.

And with that, they all set to work.

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