One Last Night

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Days passed like a storm in Berk. The allied forces had gathered all of their soldiers in Berk. Everyone spent their time preparing for the battle that would come the next day. They spent their time training, sparring or preparing weapons, and readying themselves how they wished to. Hiccup had spent several hours with the chiefs, generals and captains, discussing strategies and tactics. 

At the present moment, the young Dragon rider was at his house on the hill side, looking out over the clouds from his balcony. Eret and Viggo had gathered intelligence from their informants among the Dragon hunters. According to their info, Drago should be arriving anytime tomorrow. 

"Thought I would find you here," 

Hiccup turned around and found Astrid walking towards him. He turned back towards the clouds as she stood beside him and took hold of his hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Anxious," Hiccup sighed as she stared out at the clouds. "But I will do my duty to protect everyone."

"I know you will Hiccup." 

Hiccup gently squeezed her hand in response. Astrid smiled softly. "How was your meeting?"

"We've gone over the plan a hundred times. We're ready for whatever that monster throws at us."

The shield maiden glanced at him with a slight worry in her eyes. "Hiccup ...will...will you be alright?... You have to face him? After everything..."

"After everything he did to me, it's time for some payback," he told her, leaning over and brushing away some loose strands of hair and tucking them behind her ear,"I'll be fine. I know I can do this. Don't worry."

"No matter what you say, I'll still worry about you," she sighed, holding his hand that was gently placed on her cheek.

"It will be alright m'lady," he said, squeezing her hand in his. "I've got the Dragons, an entire army counting in thousands of soldiers, my friends and you." He breathed into her ear, then leant back, looking into her eyes, it was as if searching for something in them for a moment. "Astrid… tomorrow may be our last day."

"Don't-" Astrid intervened. 

"I know it won't be." Hiccup quickly said, cutting her off,"I know we will win. We will stand together again. But, there's still the chance that-that, despite all our plans, we may… we may fail and it all may end. And...with that risk...knowing that tonight could be our last night, I can't let it pass unmarked."

The blonde frowned at him. "What do you mean?"

A smirk came to his lips, and he leaned in to kiss her firmly. His arm wrapped around her hip, pulling her towards him. Astrid didn't need much encouragement as she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling her hand into his auburn locks.

His lips against hers was intoxicating and she almost moaned, when Hiccup pulled away. He stared at her with a half-lidded gaze. "Astrid," he whispered, his voice suddenly deeper. "I want you, Astrid. Please. Let us be together for one last night."

Astrid felt like she was melting, and she couldn't fight off the urges within her. As Hiccup had said, this could be their last night together. So, she gave in. "Then take me. Make me yours." She said, 

Hiccup smirked and leaned down to kiss her again. Astrid wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck and her legs around his waist as Hiccup hoisted her up. He carried her inside his house and towards a room. Holding her still, Hiccup pushed the door open with his leg. 

It was his bedroom. The walls were empty, aside from a pair of lanterns that illuminated the space. A collection of various, soft pillows and blankets were gathered together in a large bed, where he gently laid Astrid down. 

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