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As Stoick and Gobber made their way back to the camp, they noticed their fellow Vikings busy in their routine. Some were working on repairing the ships, some others were attending to the injured, some others were guarding the camp and the remaining were resting. The Vikings immediately sprung on their feet as they noticed the presence of their chief.

"Chief, are you okay? Did you talk with Hiccup?" One of the Vikings asked.

Stoick sighed and answered,"I did talk with him."

"So, what did he say?" An eager Viking asked while the rest were eagerly waiting for the answer.

Stoick let out another sigh and decided it was better to let them know what actually happened. He proceeded to say something, but Gobber beat him to it.

"Well, what he said includes both a good newz and a bad newz." Gobber said.

Stoick glared at his friend who just sheepishly smiled at him and slowly moved out of his way. Stoick let out a frustrated sigh and turned back to the Vikings, who were curious about what Gobber was saying.

"Gobber is telling the truth. I talked with Hiccup. And he gave us two days to get our ships repaired and get out of here. And he has threatened us not to trespass or harm the Dragons. Or the results might not be very preferable." Stoick announced.

The Vikings were shocked at this news. Some were murmuring among themselves. But one thing was certain that most were nervous and uncertain about their future. Some were even outraged by all this.

"How can he do this!? This is outrageous! It is unfair!" One of the Vikings yelled out.

"That runt can't do this to us!? We are his tribe! He is meant to provide for us!" Another one said. And one by one some others also joined the commotion, condemning Hiccup for such measures.

Then Mildew stepped forward. "You see Stoick. All these men are against that runt of yours. We propose that you take us to that coward and we kill him and those miserable beasts and claim this land as ours!"

Listening to this, Gobber couldn't control himself anymore. Walking up to Mildew, he punched the old man in the jaw, making him stumble back and fall on the ground.

"Keep ma Godson's name outta ya freakin' mouth!" Gobber angrily shouted at Mildew, making the old man cower in fear. Gobber then turned to the other protesting Vikings. "Ya all call yourself his tribe, but none of ya could bother to help that lad when he was with us. 15 years he was tormented and abandoned, but nobody did anything. And now when ya need him, he's suddenly part of Ya tribe."

Many of the protesters shrunk under Gobber's glare and criticism. Stoick stepped between them before the commotion could get worse.

"It's been a long day. I think we should rest for now and plan out what to do tomorrow." Stoick announced.

"Aigh, that sounds good." Gobber said without removing his glare from Mildew, who was cowering under his gaze.

The men then broke off and went back to where they were before all this commotion. And Mildew made sure that he stayed out of Gobber sight. Many of the Vikings were now reflecting back on their life. Especially on all those times when they had been harsh on Hiccup. They felt guilty of how they had treated Hiccup. While there were some who still thought bad about Hiccup, the rest were engulfed with guilt as they realised, this day wouldn't have come if they had treated Hiccup a little better.

If they had accepted him as one of their own. They had pushed him so far that he found comfort living among the creatures that have been their enemies for centuries rather than his own tribe. And where did it take him? He's now the Night rider. One of the, if not the most, powerful person in the whole Archipelago. Probably the whole Midgard. And they? They were the ones now living in misery.

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