A Mother Never Forgets

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It has been a week since Hiccup finally mended his relationship with Stoick and Astrid. They all were now trying to work things out better. The progress was slow, but it was progressing nonetheless.

Hiccup was currently in the house that was provided to him so that he didn't have to camp out at the cove anymore. Hiccup was putting on his armour, when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in! The door is unlocked!" Hiccup yelled out.

The person that came in was Astrid. "Hey Hiccup, I came here-wait, what are you doing?" Astrid inquired.

"Uh,hey Astrid. Uhh, I was just going to head out for some work." Hiccup said with a sheepish smile.

"Going out huh?" Astrid crossed her arms.

"Well, I just got some news that Dragon trapper shops have been spotted in the northern sea. I'm just going there and patrolling the area for a bit." Hiccup admitted.

"Hiccup." Astrid worriedly said,"You haven't even properly recovered from those injuries, and you're already heading out for this expedition!? God knows what will happen this time."

"Astrid, I'll be fine." Hiccup whined,"Besides, Toothless will be looking after me."

Hiccup walked out of the house, Astrid following after him. Outside, in the backyard of his house, Toothless was already waiting for Hiccup.

"Took you long enough to come out." Toothless said as he spotted Hiccup.

"Sorry bud." Hiccup apologised as he hopped on Toothless's back.

"Hey Toothless." Astrid greeted as she also came.

Toothless gave her a toothless smile and then Astrid turned towards Hiccup.

"Hiccup, this could be dangerous."

"Astrid, I have to do this."

Astrid stared at him for a moment. In his eyes, she could see the same determination that she had seen five years ago that night, when he asked her not to tell Stoick about their discovery.

"You really care about Dragons, don't you?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup looked at her and then at the sky. "Yeah. Ever since I met Toothless I've seen myself in him." Hiccup said,"So I sort of feel a connection to Dragons. Well, more than a connection. Even though the Dragons are more terrifying, they also have the right to live. They also have hatchlings and parents to go to. I treat them all like they were my family and I'm willing to sacrifice my life for them." Hiccup said and looked at her.

Astrid sighed and said,"Just, just please be safe."

"Don't worry, I will." Hiccup said. Toothless now got ready to fly and spread his wings. "I'll be back by tonight." Hiccup said and managed to give Astrid a quick peck on her cheek before his Nightfury companion shot up in the air.

Astrid watched Hiccup and Toothless disappear in the clouds and stood there for a while before getting out. On her way out, she couldn't help but wondered if Hiccup would be willing to do the same for her.

With Hiccup and Toothless, after a long flight, the duo had reached the area where the ships were reported to be seen. Hiccup and Toothless flew high while scouting the area.

As time went on, neither of them spotted anything.

"Looks like it was just a rumour. Or maybe the Hunters have moved to a different area." Hiccup concluded.

"Hey Hiccup, look ahead. I see something." Toothless suddenly said.

Following his instructions, Hiccup looked ahead and found what Toothless was talking about. There was some kind of structure covered in a thin layer of fog. They could barely make out what it was from that position.

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