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Astrid was pacing in front of Hiccup's house. She was extremely worried about the said Dragon rider. Her friends were also concerned, for both her and Hiccup. They were inside the living room talking to each other to keep their mind occupied.

"Astrid." She heard Ruffnut call out for her.

Astrid looked at Ruffnut, who was standing at the entrance of the house.

"Stop worrying Astrid. He will come back. I am sure of it." Ruffnut told her.

"I know that Ruffnut, but I can't seem to stop worrying about him. It's already midnight and he hasn't returned yet." Astrid replied as bad thoughts flooded her mind.

Just then they heard a familiar screech. Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout rushed out of the house and joined Astrid and Ruffnut as they also heard the screech. They looked up in the sky and after a while they noticed Toothless coming towards them. They all slightly backed away as Toothless landed in front of them. Astrid gasped as she saw Hiccup dismounting toothless. Both the Dragon, and his rider were injured.

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled out as she saw Hiccup losing his balance.

She quickly dashed towards him and caught him before he could fall.

"What happened to you?" Astrid asked as she put his arm around her neck and hoisted him up as Hiccup struggled to stay on his feet.

"Prepare...... infirmary.." Hiccup gasped out while taking deep breaths.

Toothless and Astrid helped Hiccup inside the house and took him to the said room. The infirmary was a big room in the mansion where Hiccup kept his medical supplies. Like a healers' hut this room was used to treat injuries. Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Snotlout would often get sent there after getting themselves injured while causing trouble. Hiccup, Astrid and Toothless along with the rest of the gang. Astrid helped Hiccup sit down on one of the beds. Astrid and others backed away a bit as Hiccup put off his cloak and chestplate, leaving him only with the shirt he was wearing. The bandage which was covering the wound on his side was completely drenched with blood. Hiccup removed it and saw how bad the wound was.

"It's worse than I expected. I have to seal it." Hiccup mumbled and then looked up.

"Astrid! Bring me a metal rod. You will find one in one of those cabinets." Hiccup ordered Astrid as he pointed at the cabinets in the room. Astrid nodded and quickly went over to the cabinets to find the said item. Hiccup then looked at Snotlout.

"Snotlout! Bring me a bucket of water and a rag." He ordered his cousin.

The raven haired Viking nodes and quickly rushed out. Hiccup then tore down his shirt and removed it from his body and took a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding. The gang gasped as they noticed other bruises on Hiccup's body. Astrid finally found the metal rod Hiccup asked for and brought it to Hiccup. Hiccup then called for Toothless. Toothless quickly came beside him. Just then Snotlout came back with a bucket filled with water. Hiccup thanked him as he took the bucket from Snotlout and placed it on a table beside his bed. Hiccup then took a big piece of cloth and dipped it in the water bucket and then he took another piece of cloth and wrapped it around one end of the rod and held it in his left hand and pointed it towards Toothless.

"You know what to do bud." Hiccup told Toothless.

Toothless nodded and opened his mouth and ignited a plasma blast. But except for shooting it out, Toothless held it in his mouth as Hiccup used the heat of the plasma blast to heat up the metal rod. After a while the rod was glowing bright orange. Hiccup took a piece of leather and bit on it and quickly pressed the hot metal against his wound. Hiccup held in his screams of pain as he bit on the piece of leather as the wound on his side burnt and was finally completely closed. Hiccup then quickly shoved the rod in the bucket and took the drenched piece of cloth and pressed it on the closed and burnt wound. He let out a shaky breath as the pain subdued and water prevented the burn from getting worse. After the pain was completely gone Hiccup removed the cloth and put it back in the bucket.

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