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It's been a few weeks since Hiccup and the gang got along. Hiccup's behaviour around them seemed to improve. Snotlout and the twins helped him however they could to earn his trust. After spending so many days with Hiccup Astrid began to have this strange feeling around him. They were already good friends but this feeling that she was feeling was something entirely different. She would often sneak glances of the said Dragon rider and sometimes would find him staring at her. Hiccup would immediately look away from her whenever she caught him staring. Astrid found it flattering.

Hiccup was trying to work on a sword but his thoughts kept distracting him. He was getting distracted by his thoughts. For the past few days he has been thinking about Astrid. He always had a crush on her but never got the chance to make a move. Hiccup put the sword back in the forge to bring up it's temperature. He backed away from the forge as the memory of Astrid kissing him on his cheek rushed back to his mind. Hiccup smiled as he closed his eyes and touched the place on his cheek where Astrid kissed. After some time Hiccup pulled the sword out of the forge and dipped it in a barrel full of oil. After sometime he pulled it out of the barrel and checked for warps and any other kind of problems. Once satisfied with the sword he put it on a table and decided to take a break. He stepped out of the forge and was looking around when he spotted Astrid coming towards him.

"Hey Astrid." Hiccup greeted her.

"Hey!" Astrid greeted him back.

"So, What brings you here?"

"Oh, nothing. Thought I would just hang out with you for a while. Hope you won't mind."

Hiccup's face lit up as Astrid said that.

"Sure. I don't mind at all." He quickly said.

Astrid giggled at his enthusiasm, making Hiccup smile as well. But the moment was interrupted when they heard a squeak. They looked up and saw a Terrible terror flying towards them. Hiccup raised his arm and the Terror landed on his arm. The Terror had something wrapped around its neck. Hiccup took it off and it turned out to be rolled paper. The Terror squaked and flew away.

"What was that?" Astrid asked Hiccup.

"That Terror was delivering this letter to me." Hiccup said, showing her the rolled paper. Seeing that Astrid was still confused he said,"It's called Terror mail. It's a system I and my allies use to send each other letters."

"You have allies!?" Astrid asked, shocked.

"Astrid, you don't become a legendary Dragon rider and spend five years without making allies." Hiccup told her as he unrolled the paper.

But after reading the contents of the paper he became serious.

"What happened, Hiccup?" Astrid asked, feeling concerned.

"Nothing. I have some important work to take care of." Hiccup said as he began walking away.

"Astrid, you're in charge! Make sure the twins don't cause Chaos and Snotlout doesn't get eaten!" Hiccup yelled out as he ran towards his house, leaving a very confused Astrid behind.

Hiccup ran in his house and after making sure that no-one was inside, he opened a secret door leading to a basement. Hiccup rushed inside the basement. It was the place where he kept his weapons and armours. Hiccup put on his armour and took his weapons and rushed out of the house with Toothless's saddle.

(A/N:- The armour Hiccup is using in here is the armour used by Hiccup in Httyd 3 with a Nightfury-scale cloak. The helmet doesn't has the spikes.)

He crossed the stream and made his way towards Toothless's cave. Once he reached there he called out for his Dragon. Toothless and Luna came out of the cave and stood in front of Hiccup.

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