Aftermath / Epilogue

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Hiccup could once again feel the world around him. He blinked as his eyes got adjusted to the light and he sat up on the bed he was laying on. Wait, bed? He looked around, finding himself inside a house. The fireplace beside him keeping him warm from the otherwise cold atmosphere. Bandages were wrapped around his body, covering his wounds.

He looked beside his bed and finds Toothless lying on the ground.

"Toothless?" Hiccup asked in surprise.

Suddenly the door leading into the room opened. Hiccup turned towards the door and saw two familiar faces.

"Hiccup!" "You're awake!" Stoick and Valka happily cried out.

Their voice appearantly woke up another person. "Hiccup!? Brother, you're awake!" Toothless cried before jumping on his brother in arms.

Hiccup groaned under the weight of the Nightfury. And when Toothless removed himself, he was immediately embraced by his parents. This embrace was a more gentler one.

" Don't ever do that again. You understand me?" Valka said as tears spilled from her eyes.

"I won't mom. I promise I won't." Hiccup replied.

They got him a green tunic, one that fit his figure, and lead him him outside the hut.

"He's awake!" Someone yelled out and soon people were gathering around him, all eager to see him and greeting him.

"You gave us quite a scare there, laddy." Gobber said as he approached Hiccup.

Hiccup just chuckled at that. But before he could say something, he was suddenly grabbed by someone and was forced by them to turn towards another direction. And thus, Hiccup found himself face to face with Astrid. He was about to happily greet her, when Astrid suddenly punched him in the shoulder.

"That's for scaring me." She said.

Hiccup winced as he rubbed his shoulder. "What, is it always going to be this way? Cause..." Hiccup was cut off as Astrid suddenly grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. She pulled away moments later and looked at him shyly. Hiccup just smiled,"...I could get used to it."

The cheering and rejoicing all came to a stop when someone suddenly yelled out,"What about the village?"

Everyone fell silent. Even the ones that didn't belong from Berk. Hiccup looked around. The war had been more devastating than what he had expected. Even on the outskirts of the village were badly ruined by Drago's Dragons. He could only imagine the devastation inside the village.

"What are we gonna do now!?"

While many didn't speak out aloud, they all were wondering the same thing in their mind. Hiccup looked around, seeing the faces of his family, friends and people, all of them looking at him with hope for some guidance.

He took a deep breath and looked forward, facing the crowd. "We will rebuild."


Laughter of both children and adults filled Hiccup's ears as he watched the scenery in front of him.

Astrid is playing with their children, their daughter, Zephyr and their son, Nuffkin. With her Stoick and Valka, along with Ingrid and Harold were also present, enjoying the company of their grand children. His kids were also accompanied by a pair of triplet Nightfury like hatchings.

The Nightlights, as they called this new species of Dragons, having both the dark scales of a Nightfury and white scales of a Lightfury, we're the children of Toothless.

It has been almost six years since the great war with Drago. The war had left Berk in ruins and heavily uninhabitable. So, they moved in here, Hiccup's Island, which have transformed into the new Berk.

He and Astrid had officially married soon after, starting a family of their own. And life has never been better.

"Thinking about something, Hiccup?" his Nightfury companion asked from beside him.

"Just,...... Just about all the things we've been through and how all if leaded up to this." Hiccup replied.

"Well, everything turned out for the best, didn't it?"

"Yeah. Yeah it did."

They both turned their attention back to their family.

"Hey Hiccup!" Stoick called out,"Come join us!"

Hiccup got up. "A bit later dad. I gotta go and do something first."

Stoick and Harold, both were about to say something but Astrid stopped him. "Let him go Stoick, dad. It's fine." She said giving Hiccup a knowing look.

"Alright then." Stoick said before joining his wife and playing with their grandchildren. Harold just huffed. And did the same.

Astrid got up and walked upto Hiccup. "Be back soon, huh? The kids really want to spend the day with their dad." She told him.

Hiccup leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips. "Don't worry I will."

Astrid smiled and then walked back to join her family. Hiccup then mounted Toothless and the pair launched in the sky, flying towards their destination. Hiccup brought some flowers with him while on the way.

They flew in an opening in the middle of the forest, a place which has been turned into a memorial for all who were lost in the battle. Hiccup walked into the place with Toothless following him, and only stopped when he reached a certain grave.

"Idunn. A beloved sister. May her soul rest in peace." The tombstone said.

Hiccup crouched down and placed the flowers on the grave. There was nothing a but a calming silence as both Hiccup and Toothless stayed there, watching the grave.

"You know, Idunn would be proud of you." Toothless said.

"I know." Hiccup said as a small smile formed on his face.

He truly knew it. He had fulfilled his promise to her. He has brought peace. And there is nothing more he could ever ask for.

AUTHOR'S NOTE :- Hey guys. Commander Alfa here. Hope you liked this chapter.

I hate to say this, but this is the final chapter.

Rider on the run has been quite a journey for me. I had a lot of fun writing this book. But all good things must come to an end.

Also, a huge shout out to minero586 for helping me out with this chapter.

Anyway guy, gotta go now. Have a good day or night or whatever time of day it is at your place. See you in the next chapter. By guys. Alfa out. Peace. 😉😉😉

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