Part 1

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"You're home early love" Anne Donnelly stated as her youngest child walked through the door "it's only just gone 9 o'clock"

"Yeah" Dec shrugged.

"Your date didn't go too well then I take it?" Anne asked sympathetically.

"Not really" Dec sighed,kissing Anne on the cheek,before flopping down on the sofa next to her.

"Never mind" Anne smiled,patting Decs knee "she obviously wasn't the right one for you then"

"None of them seem to be" Dec moaned "I thought it was going well tonight,then..."

"Then what?" Anne interrupted.

"Then she went a bit weird" Dec mused.

"Weird how?" Anne asked curiously.

"Well,after I called you to tell you how it was going" Dec replied "she didn't seem to like that,said I shouldn't be thinking about me Mam when I'm on a date"

"Rubbish" Anne smiled "it's important that I like your girlfriends,or boyfriends if that's who you end up with,they have to be good enough for my special boy"

She gently flicked Decs hair out of his eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Maybe that's the problem Mam" Dec sighed "is anyone ever going to be good enough for you?"

"Very unlikely" Anne smiled.

"Wish all girls were like you Mam" Dec mused "then everything would be great"

"I'm in no hurry to pass my little boy on to someone else anyway" Anne pointed out.

"I know you're not" Dec laughed "but I want a partner eventually and as I'm bisexual,there should be a lot of choice out there for me"

"The right person will come along sweetheart" Anne assured him "until then,I'm happy to keep you close by"

Dec really appreciated his mothers love and adored how close they were,Anne was his rock,he could talk to her about anything,she was always there for him no matter what,but deep down he knew that there was a chance that she was the problem,although he was unlikely to admit it.

He'd had a string of failed relationships,some had only been for a couple of dates,but some lasted a few months,but the connecting factor of those relationships ending was often Anne.

Like Marie for instance.

Dec had really liked her,she was pretty,funny,sexy,loving and kind.

They got on so well,Dec and Marie could both see things becoming serious.

That was until Dec brought her home to meet his parents.

Fonsey had stayed relatively quiet,as he usually did,just sitting in his old armchair in the corner of the living room,puffing on his pipe,while listening to the conversation.

That conversation was centred around Anne grilling Marie about anything and everything to do with her private life,especially her past relationships.

Marie was extremely uncomfortable with the line of questioning when probed about how many boyfriends she'd had,how long they were together,if they had lived together,if she had planned to marry any of them and just about any intrusive questions that popped into Annes head,Marie wouldn't have been surprised if she had a written list tucked away somewhere.

"I'm sorry" Dec mumbled,as he saw Marie to the door "she means well"

"I didn't come here for the third degree" Marie snapped "I thought I would just be having a pleasant evening meal with your parents"

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