part 13

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"Really?" Dec asked surprised "you want to meet her...already?"

"Well" Ant mused "it's not really a case of WANTING to meet her,more like needing to"

"How do you mean?" Dec asked.

"I mean" Ant smiled "that I'm not going to let you deal with all this alone,if I'm the reason she's giving you such grief,then I also need to be part of the solution"

"It won't be easy" Dec frowned "she won't let you off lightly"

"Let me off what?" Ant enquired "I haven't done anything wrong and neither have you"

"I just mean she's very likely to make things very difficult and awkward for you" Dec pointed out "if you really want to do this,it's only fair that you're prepared"

"It'll be ok Dec" Ant smiled "I promise you"

"Will it?" Dec sighed sadly,with memories of how his past relationships had ended flooding back.

"Yeah it will" Ant stated confidently "we're together now,hopefully forever,so that means your family will be a part of my life,so this is the sensible thing to do"

"No matter how difficult?" Dec questioned.

"No matter how difficult" Ant repeated "because you're worth it"

"Ok" Dec nodded "I'll sort it out then,is next Saturday ok?"

"Yeah,that's fine" Ant replied "and while we're on the subject,I'm going for dinner at Mam's on Tuesday evening and you're invited,you up for that?"

"Oh" Dec exclaimed surprised,in all of the issues with his own mother,he genuinely hadn't given any thought to meeting Ants family.

"Hey" Ant smiled "don't look so worried,I promise there won't be any awkward questions or anything like that,just me,you,Mam and Sarha having a meal and a couple of drinks together,you'll like them and I know they'll love you"

"In that case" Dec grinned "tell your Mam that I would love to accept her kind invitation"

"Great" Ant beamed.

They spent the whole weekend staying in,making love,playing with the animals and eating junk food,which was the perfect weekend for both of them.

"We should really do something next weekend" Dec suggested "you know,go out somewhere,do something fun"

"Well" Ant mused "I'm coming to yours aren't I?"

"I said something fun" Dec frowned.

"It will be" Ant grinned "once my charm has won the old dear over and as I'm coming to yours on Saturday, we can go somewhere fun on Sunday"

Dec nodded in agreement.

Ant couldn't deny that he was nervous about the upcoming meeting,but probably not as nervous as Dec was,but at least they had the meal with Christine and Sarha first to distract them.

"Hi Mam" Ant smiled as he entered his childhood home and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi pet" Christine replied "and who's this handsome young chap?"

She smiled at Dec who was hovering just behind Ant,waiting to be introduced.

"Mam" Ant announced proudly "this is Dec,my boyfriend"

"Nice to meet you" Dec replied,already blushing from being called handsome.

He held out his hand for her to shake.

"Away with ya" she laughed "come here"

She immediately held out her arms and pulled Dec into them,giving him a bear hug so tight that he thought he might actually be bruised in the morning.

Mummy's boyWhere stories live. Discover now