part 3

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Dec did celebrate his birthday with his mates,even if it wasn't on the actual day and he had a brilliant time,enjoying a couple of alcoholic drinks,but not too many as he knew Anne would be very upset if he arrived home drunk.

The club he went to with his friends wasn't that busy as it was a weeknight,but Dec didn't mind,he wasn't great with crowds anyway,he hated the hustle and bustle of how it was at weekends,being squashed up against sweaty,drunk bodies in an attempt to get to the bar,so the current calmness suited him just fine.

His friend nudged him gently in the ribs as he took a sip of his drink.

"Oi" Dec scolded "what did you do that for?"

"That guy over there keeps looking at you" Liam grinned.

"What guy?" Dec queried,really not too bothered about whoever it was at that precise moment.

"Him" Liam nodded to the other side of the practically empty dancefloor "checking you out I reckon"

Decs eyes scanned across to the other side of the room to see who Liam was talking about.

"You mean that guy in the black top and jeans?" Dec asked,as he observed the stranger sipping on a pint of lager.

"Yeah" Liam "pretty hot isn't he?"

"He's alright" Dec shrugged "not my type though"

Although really Dec thought the guy was more than 'alright' he thought he was actually pretty handsome with his dark hair,smouldering eyes and full,kissable lips.

Dec didn't actually realise he was licking his own lips as he watched the man until Liam interrupted his thoughts.

"Making you drool is he?" He laughed.

"Shut up,you idiot" Dec giggled and turned away from the handsome stranger.

"Go and talk to him" Liam encouraged.

"No way" Dec quickly replied.

"Why not?" Frank,another mate joined in.

"Cos I don't know how to" Dec sighed "I'm not good at talking to men...or women"

"Course you are" Frank insisted "it's not like you've never been in a relationship,what about Marie and Lorenzo?"

"They both approached me in the beginning" Dec shrugged.

"Well,it's not like you're shy is it Dec?" Liam laughed.

"Maybe not" Dec replied "I'm just not into it right now,just want to have a good night out to celebrate my birthday with you guys,ok?"

"Ok" Frank,Liam and Decs other friends agreed,they just wanted to see him happy,but didn't want to push it if it made him uncomfortable.

"Good" Dec nodded and turned the subject towards Newcastle United's most recent game that they'd all attended at St James park.

Eventually,Dec needed to empty his bladder,but he was conscious of the fact that the handsome stranger was standing in the direction of the mens toilets,but he couldn't hold on any longer.

The guy probably wouldn't speak to him anyway,Dec thought to himself,his friends had probably just been teasing him,or were at least imagining something that wasn't actually there.

As Dec made his way to the toilets,he accidentally made brief eye contact with the man,before quickly looking away.

As he washed his hands after relieving himself,Dec wondered if he had seen a small hint of a smile from the man,or was that his imagination?

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