part 16

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"What?" Dec asked shocked "are you crazy?"

"Most probably" Ant replied seriously "but we have to do something Dec,I intend to be with you for a very long time,hopefully forever and I know how important your family are to you,so there can't be any bad blood between us,I have to at least try"

Dec was in awe of the fact that Ant was still trying his best to make things right,no matter how badly Anne had behaved and it warmed Decs heart to know that Ant wasn't going to give up on him like his previous partners.

Although it did make him wonder how things might have turned out with Lorenzo or Marie if they'd been as persistent as Ant was,but he wasn't going to dwell on that now as it meant if things had worked out with one of them,then he'd never have met Ant and that didn't bear thinking about.

"Ok then" Dec nodded "what will you say to her?"

"Don't know yet" Ant shrugged "I guess I'll just have to try and convince her that my intentions are good and all that"

"I'm still not sure" Dec frowned "it might be awful,I really don't want you to go through that"

"If it is,I'll just deal with it" Ant replied.

"So when are you going to do this then?" Dec questioned.

"As soon as possible I guess?" Ant smiled "have you even talked to her yet?"

Dec shook his head,feeling slightly ashamed.

"Declan" Ant sighed "you've had all day"

"I know" Dec frowned "I just couldn't bring myself to do it?"

"Has she called you again?" Ant asked.

Dec nodded silently.

"How many times?" Ant pressed.

"Four phone calls,five text messages and three voicemails" Dec exclaimed.

"Saying what?" Ant enquired.

"Pretty much the same thing" Dec shrugged "that I need to stop sulking and come home,not even an apology"

"Doesn't surprise me" Ant sighed "you can't take any more time off work though,you need to go home tonight"

"Do I have to?" Dec whined "please let me stay and I'll leave in the morning"

"That wasn't the deal Dec" Ant scolded "I won't have time to drop you off before I go to work tomorrow,so I'm afraid it has to be tonight"

"Ok" Dec reluctantly agreed "not yet though eh?can we at least have dinner together first?"

"Of course" Ant smiled "what have you cooked while I was at work all day?"

"Oh," Dec stuttered "I...I'm afraid"

"It's alright Dec" Ant laughed "I'm just teasing you,I never expected you to make anything,I know you don't like cooking"

"You bastard" Dec grinned.

"I can't be bothered to make anything fancy" Ant frowned,as he opened the freezer door and browsed over the contents "how about pizza and salad?"

"What kind of pizza?" Dec enquired.

"Anchovies,olives and goats cheese" Ant smiled,listing all the things he knew Dec hated.

"Yuk" Dec screwed his face up in disgust.

"I'm just kidding" Ant laughed "it's just so easy to wind you up,I have pepperoni or cheese feast"

Dec thought about it for a moment before requesting the pepperoni option.

After finishing their meal,Dec reluctantly agreed that it was time to go home.

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