part 2

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"Why have you been ignoring my calls and messages?" Dec asked furiously "what did I do to deserve that?"

"You didn't do anything Dec" Lorenzo replied,walking towards his car that was parked outside the gym.

"What then?" Dec asked tearfully "I thought we were good?"

"We were" Lorenzo nodded,as he opened the back door of his car and threw his gym bag onto the back seat.

"What happened then?" Dec persisted.

"Listen Dec" Lorenzo sighed "we had a good time,but it's just run it's course now"

"Rubbish" Dec retorted "we were good together,so what happened?"

Lorenzo looked at Dec sadly,he did really like him still and they did have a great time together,so he decided that Dec did at least deserve an explanation.

"Get in" Lorenzo ordered.

As Dec sat silently in the passenger seat,staring aimlessly at the people coming and going from the gym,Lorenzo eventually spoke.

"It's not you,it's..." Lorenzo said.

"Don't you dare say that crap line" Dec interrupted.

"What?" Lorenzo asked confused.

"It's not you,it's me" Dec replied "that's what you were about to say weren't you?"

"Er,no,I wasn't actually" Lorenzo replied.

"What then?" Dec asked confused.

"I was going to say" Lorenzo continued quietly "that it's not you,it's your mother"

"What the fuck?" Dec answered shocked "what about her?"

"She's too much" Lorenzo stated "I wanted to be in a relationship with you,not your mummy"

"That's ridiculous" Dec frowned "where has all this come from?"

"From that day in the pub obviously" Lorenzo replied.

"I know she was a bit full on" Dec nodded "but that's only because she wants the best for me,she loves me"

"A little bit too much if you ask me" Lorenzo quipped.

"How can anyone love their son too much?" Dec asked confused "a mothers love is perfectly natural"

"Really?" Lorenzo retorted "you think it's perfectly natural for a mother to ask her sons partner about their sex life the first time they meet?"

Dec just shrugged his shoulders,maybe Anne's line of questioning could be a little bit out there,but that was just the way she was.

"I tell you Declan" Lorenzo continued "it's not normal or natural to be that tied to your mothers apron strings"

"I am not" Dec insisted,feeling very offended.

"Oh yeah?" Lorenzo laughed sarcastically "what would you call it then?"

"She just wants the best for me" Dec replied.

"Yeah,so you keep saying" Lorenzo sighed.

The two men sat in silence for a few moments,not sure what to say next,until Dec eventually spoke.

"So there's no hope for us?"

"Sorry,no" Lorenzo replied "you didn't even speak up for me that day in the pub,do you ever stand up to your mother?"

Dec thought about the question for a moment before replying "I never have any need to stand up to her,she treats me like a prince"

"And therein lies the problem" Lorenzo sighed "you'll realise it one day"

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