part 15

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Dec sobbed in Ant's arms for what seemed like hours,before eventually drifting off to sleep.

Ant woke first the next morning,in exactly the same position as he'd fell asleep,neither of them had moved much during the night.

He gazed down at Dec who was still sleeping soundly.

Ant didn't want to wake him,especially after the upset of the previous day,he just wanted him to rest as much as possible,so he slowly and carefully manoeuvred Dec out of his arms and got out of bed to see to the animals and get himself a cup of tea.

The events of yesterday played on his mind over and over again,as much as he tried to think of something else,it was impossible.

Could he have said or done something to ease the situation?that was something he'd probably never know the answer to now,but he felt guilty...guilty that he'd just sat there and did nothing,just watching Dec go through all that anguish from his parents.

He had to make it up to Dec somehow,but he wasn't sure how,but he could start by making him breakfast in bed,a small,but hopefully meaningful gesture.

He knew Dec loved a fry up,so checked his fridge to see if he had the necessary contents.

Eggs and bacon?yes,but that was about it,he wanted to make the huge,greasy full English breakfast that he and Dec both loved so much,so decided to make a quick trip to his nearest supermarket.

He checked on Dec before he left who was still fast asleep.

"You coming girl?" Ant smiled at Noodles "you'll have to stay in the car while I go in the shop though"

Noodles excitedly followed her master to the car,jumping up onto the passenger seat.

Once Ant had bought the necessary ingredients,he quickly drove back home,desperate to check on Dec once again,even though he hadn't actually been gone that long.

He was happy to see that Dec was still asleep,although he was starting to stir,Ant didn't like the idea of him waking up alone.

He perched on the edge of the bed and watched Dec lovingly,admiring every inch of his beautiful,naked body,but still feeling such sadness at what he was going through.

Ant couldn't resist stroking Decs back gently,his skin was so soft and smooth and Ant just loved touching him.

Dec fluttered his eyes open and smiled softly at Ant.

"Sorry,didn't mean to wake you" Ant apologised.

"That's ok" Dec yawned.

"How are you feeling?" Ant asked concerned.

"My eyes are stinging" Dec replied.

"I'm not surprised" Ant nodded "with all that crying"

"Sorry" Dec whispered.

"Hey" Ant frowned "don't you dare apologise,I wasn't complaining,I'm just worried about you"

"You don't need to worry" Dec replied unconvincingly "I'm fine"

Of course that was complete rubbish and Ant could see straight through Dec's thinly veiled attempt to pretend everything was rosy.

"Yesterday was awful" Ant frowned "you have every right to be upset,I'd be worried if you weren't"

Dec nodded silently.

"I wish I'd done more" Ant continued "I'm so sorry I didn't"

"There wasn't anything you could do" Dec frowned "my parents are just nuts that's all"

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