part 20

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"Good morning sunshine" Ant smiled at Dec as he slowly woke up the next morning.

"Ugh" Dec muttered.

"Got a hangover have you?" Ant asked.

"Bit of a headache" Dec frowned "I'm not used to champagne"

"Obviously" Ant laughed.

He pulled Dec closer into his arms and they snuggled cosily under the duvet.

"Dec" Ant stated.

"Yeah" Dec replied,trying to ignore the pounding in his head.

"You're in your new home" Ant grinned.

"Yeah" Dec smiled "I am"

"Can't wait to properly start our life together" Ant stated.

"We already have" Dec pointed out.

"Yeah,I guess we have" Ant nodded.

"And do you know what else?" Dec asked.

"What?" Ant enquired.

"I'm not gonna worry about Mam anymore" Dec stated.

Ant was happy to hear that,he hated the anguish that Anne was causing him.

"Good" he smiled and kissed Dec on the forehead.

"There's no point" Dec continued "all this arguing has got us nowhere,so why bother?I'm going to concentrate on building my life with you now and if Mam ever decides she wants to stop behaving like an idiot,then she knows where to find me"

"Exactly" Ant replied,happy that Dec was looking at things logically.

Although Dec couldn't help but feel sad,he and Anne had always been so close and now they were barely speaking,but he didn't want anything to taint his relationship with Ant,especially not his mother,he would just have to deal with the fact he wasn't the light of her life anymore.

But he was the light of Ant's life and he knew it and that was enough for him right now.

The next few weeks passed in a happy loved up blur,of course Dec couldn't help but think about the situation with Anne sometimes,but he always made a conscious effort to put it to the back of his mind when that happened.

He met up with his Dad and siblings regularly,but always in a public setting like a pub or restaurant,of course Anne was always invited,but she never showed up and Dec just accepted that that was just how things had to be,for now at least.

He was happy that whenever Ant was with him on these occasions,his family all seemed to like him and enjoy his company,which was obviously very important to Dec.

But there was something else that was bothering him,an occasion that was looming and he had no idea what to do about it.


He'd spent every single Christmas throughout his life with his family in the same house and couldn't imagine doing anything else.

His siblings,their partners and kids all came too,so how could Dec stay away?

Would he even be invited?

He couldn't imagine his mother extending a welcome for the festive period,even if she did,what would it be like?it was bound to be awkward at the very least.

"Why so glum?" Ant asked curiously,one day after work.

"Just thinking" Dec sighed,not looking up from stroking Gert,who was sleeping contently on his lap.

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