part 11

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Dec couldn't stop thinking about Ant the next day as he worked in the newsagents,so much so that Graham even commented on it.

"Got your head in the clouds today eh lad?" He smiled kindly.

"Have I?" Dec grinned.

"Aye" Graham nodded "must be to do with your new fella I'm guessing?"

"Am I that obvious?" Dec laughed.

"I'm afraid so" Graham replied,as he patted Dec affectionately on the back.

"Oh Graham" Dec gushed "I just had the most amazing weekend ever,he's amazing and treats me like a prince"

"Glad to hear it" Graham smiled "he's a keeper then?"

"Absolutely" Dec beamed.

"And what does your Mam think about all this?" Graham brought Dec back down to earth with a bump.

Graham had known Anne for years,that's how Dec had got the job at the newsagents in the first place.

He also knew just how overpowering she could be and how she took too much of an interest in Decs life,although he usually just listened kindly to Decs woes without having too much of an input,not wanting to come between mother and son.

"She thinks it's too much,too soon" Dec sighed "you know what she's like?"

"Hmm" Graham nodded "I do"

"She met him briefly last night" Dec informed him "when he dropped me home"

"Oh yeah?" Graham replied "how was that?"

"Not great" Dec frowned "I just hope she hasn't scared him off"

"I doubt it" Graham smiled "not if he's as wonderful as you say he is"

"Yeah" Dec beamed,and went back to daydreaming about his Ant as he stretched up to stock the high shelves with magazines.

A couple of hours later,Dec glanced up as the door to the shop opened,it had been an incredibly quiet morning which wasn't unusual,after the rush of people picking up cigarettes and newspapers on their way to work,it was always quiet for a while.

A huge smile spread across Decs face as he saw Ant enter.

"Hi there" Dec grinned.

"Hello gorgeous" Ant replied "got a quick break,so thought I'd pop in and say hello"

"I'm glad you did" Dec replied.

"Me too" Ant beamed,as he peered over Decs shoulder,trying to see if Graham was around,before leaning over the counter and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thanks" Dec smiled.

"Thanks?" Ant laughed "what for?"

"Oh...umm...for the kiss I guess" Dec replied sheepishly.

"You are so cute" Ant gushed "oh,I also need some cigarettes"

"Really?" Dec asked surprised "but you didn't smoke all weekend"

"No" Ant agreed "because I know you don't like it,so I went without"

"So you don't really need them then,do you?" Dec pointed out.

"Well,I had you to distract me" Ant grinned.

"I guess I just need to distract you even more then don't I?" Dec cheekily enquired.

"Guess you do" Ant smiled at Dec with longing in his eyes "in all seriousness though,I would like to give up,I know it's a dirty,disgusting habit and such a waste of money"

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