part 19

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"Hi" Dec called out,as he stepped through the front door.

"Hi Declan" Fonsey replied from the living room.

"Where's Mam?" Dec asked.

"Upstairs" Fonsey replied "making the bed or something,I don't know"

"How is she?" Dec asked nervously.

"Not good I'm afraid" Fonsey frowned "I'm sorry Dec,I know you swore me to secrecy about you moving out today,but she dragged it out of me last night,she knew something was going on and wouldn't let it lie until I told her,I'm sorry lad"

Dec was quiet for a moment,before responding.

"Don't worry Dad" he said kindly "she would have found out today anyway,just didn't want her coming over to Ant's in a strop and upsetting him again"

"Yeah,I get that" Fonsey nodded.

"I probably shouldn't have asked you to keep it quiet" Dec mused "that wasn't fair,so I'm sorry about that"

"It's fine" Fonsey smiled "don't you worry about me"

"And thanks for helping me with my stuff today" Dec beamed.

Ant and Dec had agreed that it would be best for Ant to stay home and for Fonsey to drop Dec and his stuff back if he agreed,which obviously he did.

Dec took a deep breath when he heard Anne's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"You'll be grand" Fonsey assured him,sensing his son's nervousness.

"So?" Anne stated bluntly as she entered the living room,without so much as a hello "you're moving out then?"

"Er...yeah" Dec replied "I am"

"Nice of you to let me know" Anne replied sarcastically.

"I'm sorry about that" Dec sighed "I just didn't want anymore hassle"

"Hassle?" Anne snapped "so now talking to your mother is a hassle?"

"No" Dec sighed "you know that's not how I meant it,I just don't want anymore upset"

"You don't think you moving out without even telling me would cause me upset?" Anne enquired.

"It's the lesser of two evils" Dec mumbled.

"Ah,of course" Anne nodded "as long as Ant's not upset,then it doesn't matter about your mother right"

"I haven't come here to argue with you Mam" Dec sighed.

"No" Anne snapped "you've come to collect your things and move out"

"Yeah" Dec nodded quietly.

"Go on then" Anne retorted "don't let me stop you,you know where they are"

"Mam,I..." Dec began to answer.

"No Declan" Anne interrupted "there isn't anything else to say that hasn't already been said is there?"

Dec couldn't argue with that,it's not like he hadn't tried to make Anne see sense and so had Ant and so had Fonsey.

"Fine" Dec frowned,as he got up to make his way upstairs without another word.

"Call me when you're ready" Fonsey smiled "and I'll help you get everything in the car"

"Thanks Dad" Dec smiled gratefully.

He did feel sad while packing as much of his stuff he could manage into two medium sized suitcases and just about everything else into black bin bags.

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