part 12

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"Do you really like it?" Ant beamed,as he gazed over Decs shoulder while nibbling on his neck seductively.

"I love it" Dec repeated "still think you're nuts though,killing your grass like that,you could have just mowed the words into the lawn"

"Never even thought of that" Ant frowned.

"Must have used a hell of a lot of weed killer too?" Dec laughed "such an idiot"

"Hey,who are you calling an idiot?" Ant demanded to know.

"You" Dec stated firmly,before turning round and taking a fist full of Ants bum cheek in his hand and squeezing hard.

"Ow" Ant replied playfully.

"Can't catch me" Dec yelled and immediately sprinted for the door and back downstairs with Ant in hot pursuit.

"Come here you little shit" Ant laughed as he caught up with Dec,throwing him down onto the living room floor and pinning his hands above his head "you're gonna pay for that"

"Oh yeah?" Dec grinned "whatcha gonna do tough guy?"

"This" Ant muttered as he started kissing Dec passionately on his lips and neck,gradually working his way down his body,until he'd practically covered every inch of Decs skin with his lips and tongue,causing Dec to squirm uncontrollably,begging for more while at the same time,not sure just how much more he could take.

"God,I love you" Dec whispered as he arched his back,guiding his erect nipple towards Ants mouth.

Of course Ant was only too happy to oblige to Decs request,sucking hard on the delicate,pink bud,licking and nibbling gently,loving the feeling of how hard it was getting in his mouth,while playing delicately with Decs other nipple with his fingers.

He then let his hand wander it's way down and inside Decs boxers and began stroking his dick slowly,softly and teasingly.

"Do you really?" Ant asked,gazing up from sucking Decs nipple,although he couldn't resist glancing back down and admiring his handiwork for a moment as he noticed just how red,hard and covered in his saliva the nipple was.

He smiled to himself as he removed his hand from Decs underpants and quickly took both of Decs nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and squeezed and twisted them so hard that Dec let out an unexpected yelp.

"Like that?" Ant groaned into Decs ear.

"Yeah" Dec just about managed to whisper the word.

"Good" Ant grinned and sat up suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Dec asked frustrated "don't leave me hanging"

"Plenty of time for that" Ant smiled "you just said you loved me?"

"Yeah,I did" Dec nodded as he sat up too and both men leant against the sofa,with Dec trying hard to hide the obvious bulge in his pants.

"Hey" Ant grinned "you don't have to hide that from me"

"You bloody caused it" Dec snapped.

"Don't worry" Ant beamed "I won't keep you waiting long,I just wanted to talk"

"About what?" Dec frowned.

"Well" Ant pondered "we've both now said 'I love you' do you think we're moving too fast?"

"Do you?" Dec queried.

"Don't answer a question with a question" Ant laughed "I asked first"

"Well,I know it seems crazy that we've practically only just met" Dec mused "but it just feels so right...being with you is all I want,I think about you all the time when we're not together,we just gel don't we?"

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