part 7

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"You really want to talk about Mam?" Dec frowned.

"Well" Ant smiled "I want to get to know you better,so if that includes knowing about your Mam,then bring it on"

"Ok" Dec sighed "what do you want to know?"

"So,you still live at home" Ant stated "with her?"

"Yeah" Dec nodded "and my Dad"

"Ah,ok" Ant went on "anyone else?any siblings?or just you and your parents there?"

"Well,I've got six siblings" Dec replied "but they've all left home,so it's just me,Mam and Dad now"

"Six?" Ant laughed in astonishment "you've got six siblings?"

"Yeah" Dec smiled "three brothers and three sisters,I'm the baby"

"Oh that figures then" Ant smiled.

"What do you mean?" Dec asked confused.

"Well,the youngest of seven children" Ant continued "the only one still living at home,explains why you're so close to your Mam"

"I'm only at home for financial reasons you know" Dec snapped "can't afford to move out on what I earn"

"Hey,I'm not knocking it" Ant threw his hands up in the air in mock surrender "I think it's lovely"

"You do?" Dec asked surprised.

"Yeah,I do" Ant smiled "it's great that you're so close with many people aren't like that with their parents,you obviously love each other a lot"

"Yeah,we do" Dec beamed "she's pretty great.

He couldn't imagine a scenario where Ant would be meeting Anne just yet...he wanted to put that off for as long as possible,so he put any worrying thoughts of her scaring him away to the back of his mind.

"How did she take you being bisexual?" Ant asked curiously.

"She was amazing" Dec smiled "considering she's a staunch catholic,it couldn't have been easy for her to accept,but she said the love she has for me outweighs anything else and anyway..."

"What?" Ant asked curiously.

"She said she'd guessed years earlier" Dec laughed "so tell me about your family,are you close?"

"Yeah,we are" Ant nodded "there's just me,Mam and my sister though,but we're a tight knit unit"

"That's nice" Dec smiled "where's your dad?"

"Left when I was a kid" Ant shrugged "I'm over it"

"Good that you're so close with your Mam and sister then" Dec pointed out.

"Yeah" Ant replied "don't see as much of them as I would like though,being busy with work and all that"

"Yeah,I can imagine" Dec mused "so your Mam was ok with you being bi?"

"Gay" Ant corrected "men only for me"

"" Dec replied "she was ok with it?"

"Absolutely" Ant nodded "she didn't give a shit either way,as long as I'm happy"

"And are you?" Dec questioned.

"I am now I've met you" Ant grinned.

"Cheesy line" Dec giggled,feeling his cheeks blush furiously.

"It's true though" Ant said seriously "I really like you Dec,I'd like to get to know you better"

"I'd like that too" Dec whispered shyly.

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