part 14

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"THAT'S ENOUGH" Fonsey suddenly shouted,while standing up and startling everyone.

Ant,Dec and Anne all just looked at him in shock.

Ant obviously didn't know him at all,but from what Dec had said about his father,he was a quiet,peaceful man,so this was definitely out of character for him.

Dec and Anne's silence just confirmed that.

"Now look here Annie" Fonsey said sternly,using the pet name he had for his wife "don't you think this nonsense has gone on for long enough?"

"What nonsense?" Anne asked crossly.

"Interfering in our Declan's life" Fonsey scolded "the boy is happy,the boy is in love,that should be enough for you,so why isn't it?"

"It is enough for me" Anne protested.

"Then what's with all the intrusive questions and comments?" Fonsey demanded to know as he regained his composure and sat down again.

"They're not intrusive" Anne snapped "I just want what's best for him that's all"

"You want to ruin his life is what you want" Fonsey replied.

"How am I ruining his life?" Anne asked offended "I'm his mother"

"And I'm his father" Fonsey retorted "but you don't see me scaring any of his partners away do you eh?"

Ant and Dec watched on uncomfortably as the full scale argument developed in front of them,glancing at each other nervously every now and again,neither of them really knowing what to say or do,so they both decided independently that keeping quiet was the best option,for now at least.

Anne stood to her feet in anger.

"How dare you?" She shouted,while pointing an accusing finger at her husband.

"I've only ever wanted the best for Declan" she continued "I love that boy more than life itself"

"You need to let him live his life" Fonsey snapped back "let him be independent,like any normal fella"

"I do" Anne snarled.

"'He'll never love anyone as much as he loves me'" were your exact words" Fonsey pointed out "that's not normal Annie,that's going too far and how do you even know he won't love anyone as much as he loves you?"

"BECAUSE I KNOW MY SON" Anne shouted angrily.

Fonsey glanced at Dec for a moment,who was wishing the ground would swallow him up,he had been so nervous about Ant coming over for dinner,but never in his wildest dreams did he imagine anything as bad as this would happen.

"I'm not sure you do" Fonsey replied calmly.

"What the hell does that mean?" Anne demanded to know,while sitting down again.

"It means" Fonsey replied in a matter of fact fashion "that I don't think you know him at all"

"I accepted his bisexuality didn't I?" Anne stated "a lot of parents our age wouldn't have"

"I'm not talking about that" Fonsey frowned "I mean that you don't seem to accept that Ant and even some of his past loves have made him happy,if you knew him at all,you'd be glad about that and not come up with some ridiculous excuse as to why they weren't good enough for him"

"You're talking rubbish" Anne muttered "and you know it"

"No,I'm not" Fonsey replied firmly "I've stood back and let this go on for long enough,Declan has had his heart broken more than once and that was because of you"

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