part 25

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Dec stood up and angrily made his way out of the living room,not even sure of where he was heading.

Ant quickly darted after him,immediately blocking his way.

"You are NOT doing that again" Ant stated firmly.

"What?" Dec asked innocently.

"Your disappearing act" Ant snapped "you're staying right here,now get back in the living room and we're gonna slog this thing out until we've come up with a solution"

"But..." Dec protested.

"No buts" Ant interrupted sternly "except the one you need to sit on,now come on"

Dec wasn't sure if he found this dominant side of Ant annoying or sexy,as he stared into his boyfriend's eyes.

"NOW" Ant shouted.

"Ok,ok" Dec muttered "Mr bossy boots"

Ant slipped him a little smile and a wink.

"Come on" he repeated in a much softer voice "you've got this"

Dec mumbled an unconvincing apology to his parents as he slumped back down onto the sofa.

"Ok" Fonsey smiled "I think it's about time I had my say"

This definitely made everyone's ears prick up as he had stayed relatively quiet so far.

"Declan" he stated "you know your mother loves you don't you?"

"I guess' Dec replied sulkily.

"We all do" Fonsey continued "and we know you love us too"

He was deep in thought for a moment as he mentally prepared his speech.

"Unfortunately,we can't change the past" he mused "if we could,what a better world it would be eh?"

Everyone nodded silently in agreement.

"So" he stated "the situation we find ourselves in is that your mother has done a lot wrong,we all have"

"I haven't" Dec shot back.

"Declan" Ant whispered and squeezed Dec's thigh reassuringly.

"But your Mam has apologised profusely" Fonsey pointed out "and admitted her wrong doings,she knows now how out of order her behaviour has been and wants to put things right,don't you Annie?"

Anne nodded sadly.

"As we can't turn back time" Fonsey looked at his son "you have to decide whether you can find it in your heart to forgive her or do you want this ill feeling to be between you forever?eventually tearing the whole family apart?"

"So it's all my fault?" Dec cried,tears of frustration now rolling down his cheeks.

"Absolutely not" Fonsey replied "that's not what I mean,I just meant that this could be done and dusted,here and now and we can all move on,or it can carry on simmering forever,I know which I'd prefer"

Fonsey arose from the armchair where he was seated and squeezed himself between Ant and Dec,nodding at Ant,indicating for him to move up,so he could sit next to his son.

Dec was quietly sobbing to himself,with his head hung low.

Fonsey pulled him in for a loving embrace,holding him tight as he stroked his back gently.

Ant was desperate to comfort his distraught boyfriend,but would never interrupt this moment between Dec and his dad,so watched on concerned,trying to hold back the tears that were brewing in his own eyes.

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