part 26

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The next morning,Dec was woken with a start.

"Ant?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Sorry" Ant whispered "didn't mean to wake you"

"What are you doing?" Dec yawned.

"Got to go to work" Ant replied.

Dec knew that Ant was scheduled to work for a couple of days between the Christmas and new year period,but Dec wouldn't be back at the newsagents until the second week of January and he was sad that Ant couldn't get the time off too to spend with him,but accepted that was just how it had to be.

"But you don't start till 9 o'clock" Dec pointed out and glanced at the bedside clock "it's...fucking hell Ant,it's 5am,what are you doing?"

"I know" Ant sighed "medical emergency,dog's scoffed a load of chocolate,happens every bloody Christmas,why can't people just keep their chocolate where the dogs can't get it?"

"Oh no" Dec frowned "hope it'll be alright"

"Me too" Ant sighed and after finishing getting dressed,leant over and kissed Dec's sweet lips "go back to sleep"

"I'll miss you" Dec called out as Ant made his way out the door.

"Miss you too" Ant shouted back "love you"

Dec went back to sleep for a couple of hours,before getting up to make himself a leisurely breakfast.

"What shall we do today then guys?" He asked the cats and rabbits,who either stared at him blankly or ignored him completely.

"You're no help" he shrugged "Noodles is so lucky that she gets to go to work with him"

He saw to the pet's needs as he promised Ant he would when he had texted him from work,although Dec would have done it anyway,but understood Ant's need to double check,he adored those animals after all.

"I'm bored" Dec said out loud,as he flopped onto the sofa,switched the telly on and stared blankly at a naff Christmas film.

"Why do you poo so much?" He stared at the rabbits accusingly "well,I've only just cleaned up,you'll have to wait...or learn to use a dust pan and brush"

He really was bored as he fiddled with the remote control absent mindedly.

"Might as well have gone to work" he mumbled to himself.

Then he had a thought.

Out of all of his large family,someone must be free for him to hang out with,so he decided to call Pat.

"Hey Dec" she said cheerfully as she answered the phone "how are you doing little bro?"

"I'm fine now" Dec replied "happy that everything is sorted with Mam"

"Yeah,I heard" Pat nodded "we missed you over Christmas though,wasn't the same without you"

"I missed you too" Dec said sadly.

"And don't you ever put us through any crap like you pulled that day again" Pat suddenly ordered.

"I won't" Dec replied,then quickly changed the subject "what are you up to today?Ant's working and I'm at a bit of a loose end"

"So you're bored then?" Pat laughed.

"Extremely" Dec sighed "wanna hang out?"

"Well,Mam's got the kids as I'm going to the Boxing day sales" Pat replied.

"Boxing day was yesterday" Dec pointed out.

"Don't be an eejit all your life Declan" Pat laughed "they're still on,so do you want to come with me or not?"

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