part 10

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"Sorry Ant" Dec frowned "let me just see what she wants,then I'll be with you"

Ant nodded politely,trying not to show his slight annoyance,not with Dec,but with Anne for interfering yet again.

"Mam?" Dec asked worriedly as he answered his phone "is anything wrong"

"Of course not Declan" Anne responded "I just wanted to know what time you'll be back tomorrow?"

"MAM" Dec snapped "this is bloody ridiculous,I don't know what time I'll be back and why do you need to know anyway?"

"Just because your father and I might go out for the day" Anne replied,totally ignoring Decs abrupt tone "you know,for a drive out in the country somewhere,maybe a pub lunch,so we might not be here when you get back"

"I don't care Mam" Dec retorted "I've got keys,you don't need to be there when I get back,I'm going back to Ant now and if you keep bothering me about trivial things,then I'll be turning my phone off"

"Ok Declan" Anne replied "no need to get stroppy"

"I'm not getting stroppy" Dec sighed "but can you please leave me alone to enjoy my weekend and you and Dad go and enjoy yours"

"Well,you have a nice time then" Anne continued,having to admit defeat now Dec was obviously getting upset.

"Bye Mam" Dec mumbled and hung up the phone.

"Sorry about that" he turned to Ant,worried that he might have already had enough of his Mams interfering.

"Hey,it's ok" Ant smiled "but are you really going to turn your phone off?"

"Absolutely" Dec grinned,keen not to be disturbed again "are you?"

"" Ant stuttered "I can't"

"Why not?" Dec frowned.

"Because I'm on call" Ant informed him "you know?in case of any emergencies,sick or injured animals wait for no one"

"Ah,of course" Dec replied compassionately "that's different,you absolutely should go if you're needed and please don't ever turn your phone off for me,no way would I ever want to prolong any animal's suffering"

"I'm glad you understand" Ant replied gratefully "they usually call my landline first,but sometimes it can be my mobile...are you hungry?"

"Not really" Dec shook his head "not after all that stuff you brought to the picnic,that was a lot of food"

"Yeah,me neither" Ant admitted "maybe we'll just have some nibbles later if we get peckish"

"Sounds good" Dec smiled.

"So how would you like to spend the evening?" Ant queried.

"Getting to know you better" Dec grinned cheekily.

"In what way?" Ant winked.

"In every way" Dec whispered before practically jumping on top of Ant,pinning him down on the sofa and kissing him passionately.

"Easy tiger" Ant laughed,once Dec paused for a breath "you sure about this?"

"Do I look unsure?" Dec asked.

"Yeah,good point" Ant grinned "wanna go to bed?"

"Already?" Dec joked "bit early to go to sleep isn't it?"

"Who said anything about sleeping?" Ant laughed and immediately grabbed Dec and threw him over his shoulder in a firemans lift,carrying him to his bedroom and throwing him down onto the bed with a gentle bounce.

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