part 24

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After Ant and Dec had enjoyed a leisurely breakfast,Dec's headache had just about worn off.

"I'm gonna phone your parents now" Ant announced "can't put it off any longer"

"Ugh,do you have to?" Dec frowned.

"No,I don't actually" Ant mused "you do"

"What?" Dec asked surprised.

"Well,they'll want to talk to you after yesterday" Ant pointed out "might as well kill two birds with one stone and get it over with,then you can invite them over"

"I guess you're right" Dec reluctantly agreed.

"Aren't I always?" Ant grinned.

"Yeah" Dec mumbled "and it's really annoying"

"Go on pet" Ant encouraged,as he urged Dec to make the dreaded phone call "get it over with"

What followed was a pretty emotional conversation between Dec and his father,but Dec was relieved that Anne hadn't answered the phone,he had no idea how she would have reacted to the previous days events,but Dec didn't want to risk feeling her wrath just yet if she was angry with him.

The meeting was arranged for 1pm and Dec spent the next couple of hours on tenterhooks.

Ant was pretty nervous too,but tried to hide it for Dec's sake,but Dec could still tell.

"I know you're as nervous as I am" Dec stated as the scheduled time came closer and closer.

"Am not" Ant muttered.

"It's ok" Dec assured him "I don't blame you,I'm kinda shitting my pants too"

"Yeah,but I want to stay strong throughout this for your sake" Ant pointed out "I don't want to let you down"

"Ant" Dec replied gently "you never could,you've always been nothing but completely supportive to me,please don't think like that,you're amazing"

"Sorry" Ant whispered "can't help it"

"Hey" Dec took hold of Ant's hand and squeezed it firmly "whatever the outcome of this,we'll deal with it,we'll be just fine"

Ant nodded gratefully,slightly surprised at how their roles had suddenly been reversed so effortlessly and Dec was now the one comforting him,until the doorbell chiming startled him out of his thoughts.

"This is it" he announced as they both got up and made their way to the front door.

"Hello Mr Donnelly..." Ant smiled nervously "Mrs Donnelly"

"Please" Fonsey replied kindly "call us Fonsey and Anne"

"Ok" Ant agreed as he took the couple's coats and hung them up on the coat stand in the hallway.

"Hello Anthony" Anne smiled,seemingly a little nervously.

"Hi" Ant replied in a friendly manner.

"Hello son" Fonsey beamed and pulled Dec in for a tight bear hug "it's good to see you,God you gave us a fright"

"Sorry Dad" Dec mumbled into Fonsey's warm jumper.

Dec couldn't help but breathe in his father's scent,it was an odd mixture of whiskey,cigarettes and aftershave,but Dec liked it and he'd missed it over the last few months,as they'd seen so little of each other.

"Hi Mam" Dec said cautiously as he pulled out of Fonsey's embrace.

"Hello Declan" Anne replied " are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine thanks" Dec replied politely "and I'm sorry about yesterday"

He wasn't sure whether to hug her or not,or if she'd even let him if he tried,but she immediately solved that dilemma by leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

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