part 21

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Dec did actually have a great day with Ant's family and they did everything in their power to make him feel welcome.

Noodles was there too,which Dec was glad about,he had really grown to love that dog and even wished there had been a way to bring the cats and rabbits along for the day too,but he knew that would have been silly and unfair to them.

Obviously Ant had told Christine and Sarha the situation with Dec's family,so when any of them saw even a hint of sadness in his eyes,they all did their best to distract him.

Like any Christmas at the McPartlin's,they laughed a lot,ate and drank too much and played a lot of silly games and Dec really appreciated the effort they all put in.

It was very different to his usual Christmases,but it was still wonderful and he was with Ant,which was what he wanted.

Of course he missed his family and when Ant's family occasionally dropped the ball,thoughts of them would creep back in.

Meanwhile,a similar scene was being played out at the Donnelly household,but everyone was being much more vocal about it.

Everyone missed Dec's presence.

They missed his silly sense of humour,the affection he always showed towards everyone,his lovingness and excitement at this time of year and his nieces and nephews missed him playing with them,he was always so good at keeping them entertained.

There were presents under the tree that Dec had bought for everyone with the little money he'd managed to save,mostly token presents as that's all he could afford and his family knew that,but also he had wanted to keep a little cash back for what he'd bought Ant.

No one had opened any of his presents yet,they just felt weird about doing it without him there,so they sat untouched under the tree.

"This just isn't right" Pat suddenly announced as she watched the kids playing with their new toys.

"What isn't?" Martin asked.

"Dec" she stated "he should be here"

"Yeah,he should" Cam agreed.

Everyone looked accusingly at Anne,who promptly got up and made her way to the kitchen to baste the turkey,without saying a word.

"He should be here,shouldn't he Dad?" Pat turned to Fonsey.

"Yeah,of course he should" Fonsey replied sadly "I'm missing the little fella too,but I don't know what else we can do?your mother isn't backing down and anyway,he'll be with Ant and his family now"

"It's just shit" Pat sighed.

"Yeah,it is" Fonsey agreed "but let's just hope he's ok and enjoying himself"

"I'm going to call him" Pat announced "he's my baby brother,I can't stand this"

Dec glanced at the screen of his phone as it rang.

",do you mind if I take this?" He asked politely "it's my sister"

"Of course" Christine smiled "wish everyone a happy Christmas from me"

"I will" Dec smiled and made his way into the kitchen for a bit of privacy.

"Hi Pat" he answered cheerfully "happy Christmas"

"Happy Christmas Dec" she replied "how are you?"

"I'm fine" Dec smiled "how is everyone there?"

"Missing you" Pat said sadly.

"I miss you all too" Dec sighed "what's everyone up to?"

"Oh you know" Pat smiled "the playing with their new toys,Mam fussing over everyone and drinking too much sherry and Dad just watching on in amusement"

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