part 22

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"I don't know what else I can do except say that I'm sorry" Anne frowned.

"Well it's not fucking good enough" Dec shot back angrily,standing up and thumping his fists down firmly on the kitchen table.

"DECLAN" Anne snapped "don't swear at your mother"

"MY MOTHER?" Dec shouted "what kind of a mother treats her son like you have?what kind of a mother behaves like you have?"

"I've only done what I thought was best for you" Anne said quietly.

"Really?" Dec retorted "REALLY?"

"Absolutely" Anne nodded defiantly.

"So making my life a misery was what's best for me was it?" Dec exclaimed in utter disbelief  "not accepting the man I love was what's best for me?Making me move out of my family home...that was what's best for me was it?"

"I did not make you move out" Anne cut in "that was your decision"

"Yes,because you drove me away" Dec ran his fingers through his hair and started pacing the kitchen in frustration "you made my life so bloody difficult,I had to move out,why couldn't you just accept Ant?then it wouldn't have got this far"

"Because he's not good enough for you" Anne snapped.

"And there we have it" Dec replied angrily "what gives you the right to decide that?you just have no clue do you?Ant is a wonderful man,he's kind,generous,funny,loving,loyal and compassionate...things you know fuck all about,you have absolutely no reason not to like him"



Ant came running into the kitchen upon hearing all the shouting.

"Guys,guys,come on,calm down" he begged the mother and son.

"I came here to try and put things right" Anne replied to Ant "I shouldn't have bothered"

"Yeah,ya shouldn't have" Dec retorted.

"You're welcome to him" Anne snapped at Ant heartlessly,before storming off.

"HAPPY BLOODY CHRISTMAS" Dec shouted out sarcastically as Anne slammed the front door.

"Come here" Ant held his arms out to his distraught boyfriend.

"Why?" Dec sobbed "why does she have to be like this?"

"Shh baby" Ant soothed "let's forget about her for now shall we?and try and enjoy what's left of Christmas"

Dec nodded sadly as tears soaked into Ant's jumper,but then suddenly pulled back.

"No" Dec stated "I need to be alone"

With that,he ran towards the door,only stopping briefly to put his shoes on.

"DEC" Ant called out in a panicky voice "where are you going?"

"Leave me alone" Dec called back as he ran out into the cold,dark night.

"Dec...your coat" Ant grabbed the garment and attempted to follow him,but he had already disappeared into the darkness and Ant had no idea which direction he had gone.

"What's going on?" Christine asked concerned.

"They had a row" Ant stated.

"Yeah,I heard" Christine frowned "in fact the whole street probably heard"

"He's ran off" Ant stated "and I don't know where,I need to try and find him,he's really upset"

"You can't drive" Christine pointed out "you've been drinking"

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