part 8

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Dec sighed quietly to himself,but didn't reply to Anne's comment,he didn't want to get into that with her right now,so just feigned tiredness.

"Well" he smiled "think I'll go to bed,goodnight Mam"

"Goodnight Declan" Anne replied "I'll see you in the morning"

She tapped her cheek with her finger,indicating for Dec to kiss her goodnight,which he obligingly did.

"Goodnight" he repeated,before making his way up to his bedroom.

Unusually,he couldn't fall asleep that night because of various thoughts swirling around his mind.

He smiled to himself as he thought about Ant and the evening they'd just spent together,how much they got on and liked each other...and that kiss.

Dec touched his lips with his fingertips,trying to remember the exact,wonderful feeling of Ants lips on his.

He closed his eyes and felt it for a moment.

So warm,so loving,so delicate,so...

"It's way too early to be talking like that about him"

His mother's harsh statement brought him crashing back down to earth.

Dec knew she only wanted the best for him,that was her job as a mother after all,she was just looking out for him,trying to shield him from getting hurt again and Dec knew he should be grateful for that.

Or should he?

He'd had such a wonderful time with Ant and they obviously liked each other a lot,so Dec perhaps naively, expected Anne to be happy for him.

He rolled over in bed and muttered to his teddy bear "Ant is perfect,I just know it"

Dec stared at his old,scruffy bear "you're a good listener Toggy" he muttered,before eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next day Dec wasn't working at either of his jobs,he wished Ant had the day off too,but that just wasn't the case and he knew it was likely that Anne would want to spend the day with him,but he wasn't sure if he was in the mood for that,a day just chilling or hanging out with any of his mates who weren't working was what he really wanted to do.

"Morning love" Anne beamed,as Dec entered the kitchen.

"Morning Mam" Dec yawned.

"What would you like for breakfast?" She enquired.

"I'll get it" Dec insisted,as he took a box of cornflakes out of a cupboard.

"So what do you want to do today?" Anne beamed "I thought we could go out for lunch together,then maybe go to bingo?"

"I don't want to go to bingo Mam" Dec frowned.

"Why not?" Anne asked surprised "you love it"

"No I don't" Dec replied "YOU love it,I've only ever come along before to keep you happy,why would a twenty six year old man love bingo?"

"Well,you could have said at the time" Anne retorted.

"I probably did" Dec mumbled.

"What?" Anne said.

"Nothing" Dec sighed "just don't fancy going to bingo that's all"

"Ok" Anne nodded "how about the cinema then?"

Dec visibly cringed at the idea of being seen at the cinema with his Mam by anyone he knew.

"Nah" he shook his head "just don't fancy it"

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