part 6

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"Great" Dec beamed,trying desperately to hide just how excited he was,but his flushed cheeks probably gave the game away.

"See you in forty five minutes then" Ant confirmed "I'll order you a drink...cappuccino?"

"Er,no..." Dec replied.

"Espresso?" Ant guessed.

"No thanks" Dec shook his head "I actually like hot chocolate best"

"That's cute" Ant laughed.

"Is it?" Dec asked.

"Yeah" Ant nodded,as he gazed into Decs eyes from across the counter "I'll get you a hot chocolate then"

"Thanks" Dec replied.

"With cream and a flake on top?" Ant grinned.

"How did you know?" Dec giggled.

"I've been to that cafe before" Ant smiled "seen people drinking it,although in fairness,they're usually kids"

"I am a big kid" Dec laughed.

"Not to me you're not" Ant replied seriously and placed his hand gently on top of Decs "I'll see you soon"

"Ok" Dec just about managed to mutter.

The next twenty five minutes felt like the longest of Decs life as he glanced at the clock at least once every couple of minutes.

He wished some customers would come in just to make the time go quicker,but the shop stayed quiet.

"You got somewhere you need to be?" Decs employer Graham enquired,when he came out of the stock room "you've been looking at that clock constantly"

"Oh,er yeah" Dec replied "just meeting a friend straight from here"

Graham knew about Decs sexuality,but Dec didn't particularly want to discuss things like that with him,so the friends line was a good enough explanation as far as he was concerned.

Graham glanced at his watch,it was now only twenty minutes until Decs scheduled finishing time.

"Off you go then" Graham smiled "I'll manage just fine here"

"Really?" Dec asked delighted "you sure?"

"Declan" Graham laughed "we're a small corner shop,I'm hardly gonna be rushed off my feet in the next twenty minutes,you go and have a nice time with your mate"

"Thanks Graham" Dec called out as he grabbed his jacket from the back "I'll see you tomorrow"

Graham smiled to himself as he watched Dec rush out the door,he was so fond of this young man,he was a hard worker,but Graham wanted him to have fun as well.

"Hi" Dec grinned as he rushed through the door of the cafe just a few seconds later to be greeted by a smiling Ant nursing a cup of tea.

"What's your hurry?" Ant laughed "I'm not going anywhere"

"I know" Dec giggled "was just looking forward to seeing you"

"I'll get your hot chocolate" Ant smiled "wasn't expecting you just yet,so haven't ordered it"

"The boss let me knock off a bit early" Dec grinned as Ant returned to the table and pushed a tall mug towards him.

"There you go" Ant smiled "Complete with cream and a flake"

"Thanks" Dec smiled "how much do I owe you?"

"Don't be daft" Ant replied,slightly offended "it's only a hot chocolate,my treat"

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