part 9

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"I'd really like that..." Dec replied.

"But?" Ant sensed Decs hesitancy.

"But" Dec sighed "I'm not sure how Mam will react...well,I know exactly how she'll react actually"

"As I said Dec" Ant smiled "there's absolutely no pressure,I totally understand how difficult your Mam can make things,but the offer is there"

"Thanks" Dec replied "I do really want to come home with you"

"Do you want to give her a call then?" Ant suggested.

"You know what?" Dec suddenly sat up straight on the bench "I will call her,I'm a grown man for God's sake and if I want to spend the night with friend..."

"Your boyfriend?" Ant interrupted with a grin.

"My boyfriend" Dec repeated warmly "then I will"

"Good" Ant smiled and rubbed Decs back reassuringly "but I don't want to cause any trouble between you two,if you have to go home,then so be it"

Dec didn't reply as he was busy trying to call Anne.

"Haven't got much of a signal up here" he frowned.

"Let's go back to the car then" Ant suggested "and you can call her from there"

After packing up the picnic things and making their way back to the car,Dec tried calling Anne once again.

"Hi Mam" Dec said.

"Hi Declan" Anne replied "how was your day?what time will you be home"

"My day was great" Dec smiled over at Ant,who was waiting patiently in the drivers seat "went for a picnic in the park after work"

"Bit cold for that isn't it?" Anne asked bluntly.

"Nah" Dec shook his head "it was fine,but Mam I won't be coming home tonight,I'm staying at Ants"

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone,so Dec just waited for his mother to speak.

"I think you should come home Declan" Anne announced.

"Why?" Dec enquired.

"Well" Anne continued "you haven't known this Ant very long have you?barely a few days,you shouldn't be rushing into things"

For once,Dec found the nerve to stand up to his mother.

"Mam" he said sternly "I may have only known Ant for a few days,but it just feels right you know?I don't expect you to understand that,but I'm a grown man who can make his own decisions...I need to,it's time for me to grow up"

"But Declan..." Anne exclaimed.

"No Mam" Dec cut her short "this is my decision,not yours,I know you love me,but you have to let me live my life,I want to spend the night with Ant,he is truly wonderful and if by chance things don't work out..."

"They will" Ant muttered quietly under his breath.

Dec glanced over at Ant and smiled gently.

"If by chance they don't work out" he repeated to Anne "then I'll just have to deal with the consequences"

Dec could tell that Anne was quietly processing everything he had said and was no doubt still trying to come up with a plausible reason why Dec should go home,so before she got the chance to do that,Dec quickly said his goodbyes.

"Me and Ant will probably be spending tomorrow together too as it's Sunday and neither of us are working,so I'll see you in the evening,bye Mam"

Dec quickly hung up the phone before Anne even had a chance to answer and turned to Ant with a big grin spread across his face.

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